
来源 :山东农药信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangjianwu2008
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随着近年来国家扶持农业生产的力度不断加大,国内农药产业发展迅猛,我国农药对外贸易呈现进出两旺的态势。从大连口岸了解到,2005年大连口岸农药进出口达8733.6吨,价值2875.2万美元,比上年同期分别增长1.8倍和2倍。2006年以来,农药进出口继续保持快速增长势头,1-2月,大连口岸进口农药 1745.4吨,价值341.9万美元,分别增长15.3%和 18.7%;出口农药671.3吨,价值251.2万美元,分别增长1.6倍和38%。 With the increasing state support for agricultural production in recent years, the rapid development of the domestic pesticide industry, the foreign trade of pesticides in our country has shown a thriving and prosperous situation. It has been learned from Dalian Port that in 2005, the import and export of pesticides in Dalian Port amounted to 8,733.6 tons, worth 28,752,000 U.S. Dollars, an increase of 1.8 times and 2 times respectively from the same period of last year. Since January 2006, the import and export of pesticides continued their rapid growth. From January to February, 1,745.4 tons of pesticides were imported from Dalian ports, with a value of US $ 3,419,000, up 15.3% and 18.7% respectively. Exported 671.3 tons of pesticides worth US $ 2,512,000 1.6 times and 38%.
Capt.David Koltermann thought he knew what the Arcticwould be like.But he found that he had a lot to learn.“I knew the Arctic was kind of cold,and that it was
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It’s not strictly a club of the cerebrall kind but it attracts thelargest membership of any club at any university in Aus-tralia.It’s Melbourne University’s