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缅甸:盟军和日本争夺的焦点史迪威3月4日抵达重庆之时,仰光的战事已接近尾声,英国人打算放弃仰光,向西北撤退(事实很快证明,这次撤退与一次大溃败别无二致)。中国军队则整装待发,正要开进缅甸去阻击日军的进攻。史迪 Myanmar: Focus of Allied Fight Against Japan When Stilwell arrived in Chongqing on March 4, the war in Yangon was drawing to a close. The British were going to abandon Yangon and retreat to the northwest (as it turns out, this retreat and once Big defeat no different). The Chinese army is ready to go and is about to enter Myanmar to stop the Japanese attack. Stitch
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