A Divine Land Close to the Arctic Circle

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:julia_203
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  With the shape of a rooster, China is the world’s third largest country, ranking after Russia and Canada. It reaches Mohe County in Heilongjiang Province as the northernmost end, and James Shoal as the southernmost point. From east to west, the nation extends from the confluence of the Heilongjiang River and Wusuli River to the Pamirs. In China, a vast land spanning many degrees of latitude with complicated terrain, climate varies a great deal. When inhabitants of eastern China are greeting the dawn, people in western China still face four more hours of darkness. When flowers are already blooming in the balmy south in spring, Mohe County in northern China is still gripped in a world of ice and snow.
  In 1970, Daxinganling became a district under the direct guide of Heilongjiang Province, the most northeastern province in China. Early in the late Paleolithic Age, human beings started to live in this area. It was already a state of the Zhou Dynasty (770 BC-221 BC). In the 16th century, it was reined by the Manchu people. Daxinganling is a natural unpolluted area with peculiar landscape of forests, rivers, ice and snow. It is packed with incredible nature reserves, scenic spots and forest parks.
  Belonging to Daxinganling region, Mohe County is the “golden crest on the bright pearl” in the world with unique geographical location, rich resources and celestial peculiar phenomena. Influenced by latitude and monsoon activities, Mohe features a sub-arctic climate. In spring, Mohe can hit an average of 5 degrees centigrade below zero, while the temperature of Sanya in Hainan Province is above 20 degrees. Mohe County, also known Ink River, is said to be named due to the water black as ink. Mountains and rivers create a beautiful backdrop for this modest county. Snow and the aurora borealis make Mohe more than just the country’s highest-latitude settlement.
  Because of its long history, there are many relics. Among the relics, the ancient Golden Path and Rouge River are very famous. The Gold Path is said to be the way where gold was transported in ancient times. Errenzhuan, a song-and-dance duet popular in the northeast of China, came into being more than 200 years ago. It has developed gradually from northeastern China’s Yangko and folk songs by learning from and absorbing other performing arts like Lianhualao, Ping Opera and shadow play, and is especially popular in Mohe, Heilongjiang, where the art form has evolved into a northern version that has its own features and differs distinctly from the art as practiced in the provinces in the south. This version features higher exquisiteness and beautiful voices in the performances.   And the natural wild resources are very bountiful in Mohe. There are 400 kinds or so rare animals like deer, wild boars, brown bears, snow hares, pheasants, sables, roes, reindeer and others. Mohe is also a good place for hunting and fishing. Furthermore, edible mushroom, edible fungus, hedgehog and edible tender leaves of brakes are all over the area and there are more than 300 kinds of valuable traditional Chinese medicines.
  As the highest geographical point in China, Beiji Village in Mohe County surely deserves its reputation as China’s “Arctic Village.” Built in the 1960s, Beiji Village is the only place in China to be fortunate to enjoy polar day and aurora borealis. The fantastic luminous rings dance across the sky changing color and size as they disappear to the east. Witnessing the aurora borealis in Mohe County’s Beiji village, breathing the freshest air in park, and enjoying the cold mineral spring here would be an unforgettable trip. Mesmerized by the blue sky, fluffy white clouds and crisp greenery of the forest, you will be reluctant to leave.
  Immersing in the spring in north China
  According to China’s solar calendar, which comprises 24 solar terms, the Beginning of Spring, or Lichun, implies the arrival of spring. As weather warms up, it is a good time to get out of the house after a long winter and experience the nature, especially blossoms. When flowers are in full bloom in south China, the cold still stays in Mohe. The weather in Mohe makes a sharp contrast with that of most Chinese regions which have entered spring earlier.
  In early spring, ice melts and flows into rivers and lakes. The most marvelous views in Mohe County are along the flowers blooming on the sides of Heilongjiang River. And a few mountains become top resorts for hiking and horseback riding. If you are ready to start a spring trip to China, do not miss the chance to experience the hiking in Mohe County.
  Crossing the hill, you might see the broad forest with more than 200 kinds of trees such as white birch and elm. The birch tree is a plant species prevalent in North China. It grows along the wide expanse of mountain areas and riverbanks. During the spring season, its pure color serves as one of nature’s best decorations. In Chinese culture, birth tree symbolizes strength, confidence and elegance. The best way to enjoy the forest is to bathe in the rays from the sun, hear the wind through the birch trees and take a deep breath, letting the fresh air clear your lungs.   With undulating hills, flourishing greenness, melting snow, clear water and misty clouds, Mohe County is tranquil and magnificent. Spring sees green sprouting and flowers blossoming, and the silver snow atop the trees and vapor rising from the hot springs in Mohe make the park even more spectacular.
  As the northernmost point of China, Mohe Village is also known as the “place that never sleeps". If you are lucky, coming to Arctic Village, Mohe County in spring can also enjoy the mysterious and magnificent aurora borealis, though its occurrence is extremely rare. Some local elders say they have seen it only once or twice in their whole life. The Arctic Village is seemed to be built up on the wide stretches of lush green pasture. Every household has a yard in which to grow vegetables and sunflowers. The low wooden fences separating households seemed purely decorative; neighbors chat to each other through them, and front gates are always open for visitors. As dinnertime approaches, smoke billows up from kitchen chimneys, adding a final, rustic touch to the fairy-tale scene. Its architecture reminds one of the log cabin villages of many a fairy tale. The walls of the buildings are built from pine logs, which are then coated in mud. This style of construction is pervasive in the timber-rich border regions of China and Russia. When spring comes, the Arctic Village really gives you an idyllic picture of country life.
  In Mohe, you can pause, relax and reflect. For you, leaving the city behind and revealing the nature’s beauty is incredibly important. In retrospect, the daily worries of city life always seem trivial.
“靠山吃山,靠水吃水”,地处亚热带的防城港,面朝大海,不仅与越南隔海相望,而且物产丰富。防城港当地美食不仅颇具东南亚风味,同时还充斥着浓郁的海洋气息!作为一座美丽的海滨城市,海鲜无疑成为防城港餐饮的一大主角。  走遍防城港的大街小巷,在街頭巷尾缓缓走过,听一听城市的声音,看一看城市的风景,吃一吃城市的美食!细细咀嚼,慢慢回味……
十万大山生态旅游线包括十万大山国家森林公园、皇袍山、百鸟乐园、南山、金花茶保护区等,是一条充满着无限魅力的森林生态旅游线。  这个盛夏,就让我们深入大山雨林,探索自然的奥秘,找一处幽静又阴凉的地方,倾听来自大自然的声音,想象一下自己变身“蚁人”在探索森林的奥秘,来一场充满速度与激情的漂流,赴一场美丽的大山之约。  山间避暑胜地推荐:南山、聪皇沟、十万大山森林公园  漂流目的地推荐:野人谷景区、金沙
Hainan, a tropical island at the southern tip of China and a world-class tourist destination, lures tourists with more than warm climate, sunshine and beaches. Here, you can enjoy beautiful sceneries,
防城港,一座“海在城中、城在海中”的美丽城市。在这儿,你能看到各种生猛海鲜在海里游来游去。正是如此,防城港市成为了许多海钓爱好者的天堂。  每年的3~8月份,是钓鱿鱼的最佳时期。趁着周末阳光正好,微风不燥,约上三五好友,去防城港开启一段奇妙的夜钓之旅。夜色初上,租上一艘小船跟着渔民一块出海,一起吹吹海风,胡侃海聊,钓钓鱿鱼,是最惬意不过的了!  出发前不必做些特别的准备,既不用准备鱼饵、也不用背过
海鸭蛋  咸鸭蛋对于广西人来说,是夏天少不了的一道美食。平时配个稀饭,或拿来烧菜都不错,可谓是美味与营养兼顾的最佳选择。防城港的沿海地带有不少红树林,海鸭放养在周边的滩涂上,每次潮落,红树林里总会滞留有很多的小鱼、小虾、小蟹等海洋生物。海鸭在长时间食用这些高蛋白的天然饵料后,变得体肥蛋多,孵出来的海鸭蛋蛋黄晶红。工作人员精心挑选出个大优质的鸭蛋后便加工制成咸鸭蛋。  防城港海鸭蛋由于腌制的时间不同
春天的幼芽长满了石山  夏季的海绵闪耀了海面  秋天的月光照下了山景  冬天的海浪洗刷了溶洞  在2011年11月12日“世界新七大自然奇观”公布的榜单上,得到大自然馈赠的越南下龙市下龙湾榜上有名,凭借着独特的山水奇景与别具一格的生态环境,下龙湾渐渐地走进了各国游客的眼里,走上了國际大舞台,为游人的越南之旅增添了又一处绝美景致。  有位旅人说过这么一句话:那样粗糙冷静的石岛好像变魔术似的,不断地化
在“越南越美”的越南,有一片云雾笼罩的山水美地,名叫下龙湾。  下龙湾是越南东北部最受欢迎的景点,在1500多平方公里的海面上,耸立着3000多座大小不一、千姿百态的喀斯特地貌的山石,这些奇特的山石从翠绿色的北部湾的海水中突兀而出,是越南的自然奇迹之一。1994年,联合国教科文组织把下龙湾列入世界遗产名录。2011年11月12日“世界新七大自然奇观”公布,下龙湾也榜上有名。  恍惚间,有种错觉,仿
说到越南的文化符号,除了那自带仙气的奥黛,以及让人不自觉进入悠闲时光的滴漏咖啡,还有就是不得不提的越南水上木偶戏。作为越南的国粹,水上木偶戏已有上千年的历史,关于其起源,还有这样的一个说法:  越南北部的红河三角洲是一个低洼平原,在11世纪越南李朝时期,红河几乎每年都会洪水泛滥,洪水漫过河岸,淹没了大部分的陆地平原。然而,“因祸得福”,据说,每年洪水泛滥期间,当地农民不知道能做什么,于是闲暇之中,
你说,下龙湾很美,美在它的碧海蓝天  你说,下龙湾很仙,仙在它的神奇传说  你说,下龙湾很妙,妙在它的奇石溶洞  我说,少了这几样,下龙湾就只是个普通的景区  多了这几样,才是人间的世外桃源  海上的渔人  下龙湾世界遗产区现有4个渔民村,即:三坑、萬门、汪滃和茖砬渔民村,地理优势得天独厚的下龙湾孕育了许许多多的海产品,也养育了一批批靠山吃山、靠海吃海的渔民。他们日出而作,日落而息,无论大人小孩,
越南下龙湾太阳世界主题公园占地214公顷,是先进的世界级综合游乐园。乐园分为两个主要区域:海滩沿海休闲中心和Ba Dèo山上的游乐场。而女王缆车把两个区域连接起来,方便旅客来回游玩。除了拥有下龙湾美丽的Bai Cháy海滩之外,乐园还引进了世界级水准的科技娱乐设施,如太阳之眼摩天轮和12D影院,让旅客享受下龙湾自然风光之余,还能游玩先进刺激的机动游戏。  女王缆车  位于下龙湾的女王双层缆车创下了