
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youngyyw
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目的探讨人感染H7N9禽流感在密切接触者中传播的可能性。方法根据国家卫生和计划生育委员会公布的定义和办法,发现和确定密切接触者,开展流行病学调查、医学观察和实验室检测。结果 2013年南昌市发生的禽流感病例,在发病前无外出史,且无病、死禽的接触史,共发现14名密切接触者及另1例可能相关联确诊病例,包括其家人、医护人员及同房病友。经过7 d的医学观察,未发现密切接触者曾被感染。结论南昌市人感染H7N9禽流感病例在潜伏期末和发病期间,经空气、体液、呕吐物、排泄物的直接接触尚未造成人间传播,提示目前H7N9禽流感病毒引起人间传播的能力不强,但不排除可能通过其他途径传播。 Objective To investigate the possibility of human H7N9 avian influenza transmission in close contacts. Methods According to the definitions and methods published by the National Health and Family Planning Commission, close contacts were found and identified, epidemiological surveys, medical observations and laboratory tests were conducted. Results In 2013, there were no outbreaks of bird flu in Nanchang City before the onset of disease, and the contact history of disease-free and dead birds. A total of 14 close contacts and 1 other possible confirmed cases were found, including their families, Staff and same-sex patients. After 7 days of medical observation, no close contacts were found to have been infected. Conclusions The human H7N9 bird flu in Nanchang City had no human transmission through direct contact with air, body fluids, vomit and excrement during the period of latent period and onset, suggesting that H7N9 bird flu virus is not capable of causing human-to-human transmission at present, but not Exclusion may spread through other means.
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