
来源 :四川医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:godwin_z
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刘某某,女,24岁,农民。右耳胀痛不适3月,听力稍有下降。当地医院发现耳部包块诊断为“中耳炎”,切开引流出无臭之棕黄色液,转入我院。检查:右耳后乳突区明显肿胀,但皮肤不红不热,按压有囊状感,明显触痛、压痛及叩击痛,尤以乳突尖部为甚。外耳道右壁(距外耳道口约1cm处)有一蚕豆大之隆起物堵塞外耳道,隆起处表面皮肤正常,有囊性波动感,因隆起物堵塞外耳道,无法窥视鼓膜。听力检查为导音性耳聋。囊液检查:黄色粘液,白细胞8~10/高倍,红细胞4~6/高倍,有淀粉变异细胞,无胆固醇结晶。 X线照片见右侧乳突区有一约5×3×3cm之骨质破坏区,边界整齐,周壁有轻度骨质硬化现象,破坏区内有部分分隔状结构(侧位断层4cm处 Liu Moumou, female, 24 years old, farmer. Right ear pain discomfort for 3 months, hearing slightly decreased. The local hospital discovered that the mass of the ear was diagnosed as “otitis media” and cut off the odorless brownish yellow liquid and transferred it to our hospital. Check: The mastoid area in the right ear is obviously swollen, but the skin is not red or hot. There is a cystic impression and obvious tenderness, tenderness, and percussive pain, especially at the tip of the mastoid. The right wall of the external auditory canal (about 1cm away from the external auditory canal) has a large bump of broad beans that blocks the external auditory canal. The skin on the surface of the uplift is normal and has a fluctuating sense of cystic nature. The tympanic edema can be blocked because the bulge obstructs the external auditory canal. The hearing test was guided hearing loss. Examination of the cystic fluid: yellow mucus, white blood cells 8 to 10/high, red blood cells 4 to 6/high, starch-variant cells, no cholesterol crystals. The radiograph shows a bone destruction area of ​​about 5 x 3 x 3 cm in the right mastoid region. The boundary is neat, and the peripheral wall has a mild bone sclerosis. Part of the destructive structure is in the damage area (4 cm lateral fault).
食管与胃贲门部同时有原发癌者较少。作者于近七年半在631例(阜外医院521例, 日坛医院110例)食管癌外科标本中查见5例,占0.8%。5例的临床摘要见表一。 There are fewer pri
放疗中食道癌等照射野的确定,近几年来有一些医院已开始应用模拟机定位,但大多数医院仍沿用 X 线透视划野定位。我们发现这种透视法定位存在着严重的放大性失真,如用此种失
弥漫性恶性无功能性胰岛细胞瘤实属罕见,国内首都医院曾报道4例,解放军117医院报道1例。我郑州铁路中心医院于1980年3月遇有1例,现报道如下。 Diffuse malignant nonfuncti