Analysis on velocity distribution and displacement along the profile of a slope using both empirical

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XYYWLC
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Assessing the slope deformation is significant for landslide prediction. Many researchers have studied the slope displacement based on field data from the inclinometer in combination with complicated numerical analysis. They found that there was a shear zone above the slip surface, and they usually focused on the distribution of velocity and displacement within the shear zone. In this paper,two simple methods are proposed to analyze the distribution of displacement and velocity along the whole profile of a slope from the slip surface to the slope surface during slow movement. In the empirical method, the slope soil above the shear zone is assumed as a rigid body. Dual or triple piecewise fitting functions are empirically proposed for the distribution of velocity along the profile of a slope. In the analytical method, the slope soil is not assumed as a rigid body but as a deformable material. Continuous functions of the velocity and displacement along the profile of a slope are directly obtained by solving the Newton’s equation of motion associated with the Bingham model. Using the two proposed methods respectively, the displacement and velocity along the slope profiles of three slopes are determined. A reasonable agreement between the measured data and the calculated results of the two proposed methods has been reached. In comparison with the empirical method, the analytical method would be more beneficial for slope deformation analysis in slope engineering, because the parameters are material constants in the analytical solution independent of time t, and the nonlinear viscosity of the soil can be considered. Many found have the slope displacement based on field data from the inclinometer in combination with complicated numerical analysis. They found that there was a shear zone above the slip surface, and they usually focus on the distribution of velocity and displacement within the shear zone. In this paper, two simple methods are proposed to analyze the distribution of displacement and velocity along the whole profile of a slope from the slip surface to the slope surface during slow movement. , the slope soil above the shear zone is assumed as a rigid body. Dual or triple piecewise fitting functions are empirically proposed for the distribution of velocity along the profile of a slope. In the analytical method, the slope soil is not assumed as a rigid continuous functions of the velocity and displacement along the profile of a slope are directly Using the two proposed methods respectively, the displacement and velocity along the slope profiles of the two proposed methods have been reached. In contrast with the empirical method, the analytical method would be more beneficial for slope deformation analysis in slope engineering, because the parameters are material constants in the analytical solution independent of time t, and the nonlinear viscosity of the soil can be considered.
问:  我怀孕期间为了保证宝宝的营养,很注重给自己增加营养。到最后,我自己重了20多公斤,但宝宝生下来却很瘦弱,只有2.5公斤。为此我和家人很困惑,增加了这么多营养,怎么宝宝没吸收多少呢?  答:  现在生活条件好了,很多独生子女做妈妈,知道要增加营养,但往往不懂得如何均衡营养。首先说体重。孕期体重的适宜增长,对胎儿的生长发育、减少妊娠时和分娩时并发症风险,以及对产后母体体重恢复至孕前水平极为重要
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High-salinity phreatic water refers to which with total dissolved solids(TDS)>30 g/L. Previous studies have shown that high salinity phreatic water evaporation