Changes of Blood Aqueous Barrier after Phacoemulsification in Rabbits

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Purpose: To evaluate the function and the morphological changes of the blood aqueousbarrier (BAB) after phacoemulsification and to provide the physiological mechanism ofBAB dysfunction.Methods: Phacoemulsification was performed on 12 rabbit eyes. Aqueous humor wasabstracted and the concentrations of aqueous humor protein were examined preoperativelyand on postoperative days 1, 7, 14, 21, 30 with Lowry. After the iris and the ciliarybody were removed from the rabbit eyes, we selected lanthanum nitrate as a tracer,then ultrastructural changes of BAB were investigated with transmission electronmicroscopy.Results: Highly statistically significant differences (P < 0. 05) were found betweenpreoperative aqueous humor protein concentration and those measured on days 1, 7, 14,21and 30 after surgery. Under transmission electron microscopy, a part of the endothelialcells and BAB damaged as shown by the leakage of lanthanum tracing into intravesselsthrough the broad space were observed.Conclusion: The results sugge Purpose: To evaluate the function and the morphological changes of the blood airsbarrier (BAB) after phacoemulsification and to provide the physiological mechanism of BAB dysfunction. Methods: Phacoemulsification was performed on 12 rabbit eyes. Aqueous humor wasabstracted and the concentrations of aqueous humor protein were examined. preoperatively and on postoperative days 1, 7, 14, 21, 30 with Lowry. After the iris and the ciliary body were removed from the rabbit eyes, we selected lanthanum nitrate as a tracer, then ultrastructural changes of BAB were investigated with transmission electron microscopy. Results: Highly statistically significant differences (P <0.05) were found between preoperative aqueous humor protein concentration and those measured on days 1, 7, 14, 21 and 30 after surgery. Under transmission electron microscopy, a part of the endothelial cells and BAB damaged as shown by the leakage of lanthanum tracing into intravesselsthrough the broad space were observed. Conclusion: The results sugge
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