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钢琴是由西洋古典音乐的键盘乐器发展而来,它为音乐的发展创造提供了巨大的动力,在音乐的发展史上留下浓墨重彩的一笔。正是因为钢琴独特的音乐价值且具有强大的音乐表现力和感染力,它也被称为“乐器之王”。钢琴不仅是音乐进步发展的见证,更反映了人们对精神生活的渴求。现代社会对钢琴的需求愈来愈趋于强烈,钢琴已然成为音乐教育不可或缺的手段。而高等师范院校亦是将钢琴教育列为教育教学的重点内容,开展更为广阔的钢琴教育已然成为教育决策者的共同认知。由于现今高等院校钢琴教育的秩序较混乱,优化钢琴教育教学势在必行,因而明确钢琴教育的重要性对音乐教育的发展至关重要。文章就现实中高等师范院校钢琴教育存在的问题展开分析,探讨开展合理钢琴教育的必要性,从而为高校进行更为优化的钢琴教育提供借鉴。 Piano is developed from the keyboard instrument of Western classical music, which provides a huge impetus for the development of music and leaves a deep impression in the history of music development. It is precisely because of the unique music value of the piano and has a strong musical expression and appeal, it is also known as the “king of musical instruments.” Piano is not only a testimony to the progress of music, but also reflects people’s desire for spiritual life. The demand for the piano in the modern society is getting more and more intense. The piano has become an indispensable means of music education. The higher normal colleges and universities also regard piano education as the key content of education and teaching. Carrying out a broader piano education has become the common recognition of education policy makers. Because of the chaotic order of piano education in colleges and universities at present, it is imperative to optimize the teaching of piano education. Therefore, clarifying the importance of piano education is of crucial importance to the development of music education. The article analyzes the existing problems of piano education in higher normal colleges and universities, and probes into the necessity of developing reasonable piano education so as to provide reference for more optimized piano education in colleges and universities.
墨西哥足球联盟(FMF)的莫纳克斯莫雷利亚(Monarcas Morelia)足球队是第一家获得ISO9001认证的国际水平的足球队。2004年球队的管理、球场、青年队(也称为预备队)获得了认证。
The grain growth behavior of spray-formed Al-70wt.%Si alloys was studied in the semi-solid state. The speci- mens were isothermally heat-treated at various temp
A molecular dynamics simulation study has been performed for the formation and evolution characteristics of nano-clusters in a large-scale system consisting of
小学时班里有个小胖子,那时我们给他起了很多外号,有“胖子”“包子”,还有比较难听的“胖猪”。每次上体育课跑步测验,班里几个男生就会在一旁起哄,大声说“快来看胖猪跑步喽”,边说边笑,恨不得拿起爆米花在一旁边吃边看笑话。  儿时的我们大多不自觉地残忍,因为无知。我们以为世界非黑即白;我们以为世人皆醉我独醒;我们会仅仅因为一个人胖就肆无忌惮地取笑他,他越生气我们就觉得越好笑;我们陶醉其中,以为自己是正义
摘 要:物理是一门精密的,以研究物质运动的一般规律和物质基本结构为主的自然学科。本文从改变教学观念、改革教学方法和优化课堂教学过程三方面,对如何实现初中物理教学有效课堂展开探讨,为初中物理教学有效教学课堂的构建提供资料参考。  关键词:初中物理;有效;教学课堂;实施策略  中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)22-034-010  物理作为初中阶段的