
来源 :华西医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeyeh
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目的总结多层螺旋CT(multi-slice,MSCT)多平面重组(multiplaner refor-mation,MPR)、最大密度投影法(maximum intensity projection,MIP)和3D容积重建(volume rendering,VRT)技术在埋伏牙定位诊断和治疗中的临床应用价值。方法搜集2005年9月-2009年8月疑埋伏牙、多生牙的患者27例,行MSCT容积扫描并经后处理重组检出的埋伏牙、多生牙患者的资料,分析MPR、MIP和VRT成像对埋伏牙及其继发病变的显示情况,并与常规横轴面的CT图像进行对照。结果 MPR图像可清晰显示埋伏牙包埋于软组织内或骨内,沿牙列的MIP曲面重建图像可显示全牙列的全景像和牙齿的咬关系,VRT成像能清晰显示埋伏牙与邻牙的空间关系,能准确测量埋伏牙与邻牙的距离。结论 MSCT容积扫描和MPR、MIP和VRT重组对埋伏牙及其继发病变具有良好的显示能力,是检出埋伏牙和指导口腔医师制定治疗方案,评估预后及其继发病变的一种理想成像方法。 Objective To summarize the results of multiplaner refor-mation (MPR), maximum intensity projection (MIP) and volume rendering (VRT) based on multi-slice tomography (MSCT) Diagnosis and treatment of clinical application of value. Methods Totally 27 patients with suspected ambush and multiple teeth from September 2005 to August 2009 were enrolled in this study. Data of MSCT volume scan and post-treatment recombination were used to analyze the data of MPR, MIP and VRT imaging of the impacted teeth and secondary lesions showed, and with the conventional transverse axial CT images were compared. Results The MPR images clearly showed that the impacted teeth were embedded in the soft tissue or in the bone. The reconstruction of the MIP surface along the dentition showed the relationship between the panoramic image of the dentition and the occlusion of the teeth. VRT imaging clearly showed that the impacted teeth and the adjacent teeth Of the spatial relationship, can accurately measure the distance between the impacted teeth and adjacent teeth. Conclusions MSCT volume scanning and MPR, MIP and VRT recombination have good ability to display impacted teeth and their secondary lesions. It is an ideal imaging method to detect impacted teeth and guide dentist to make treatment plan and evaluate prognosis and secondary lesion. method.
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