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近日,一名魔兽项目选手的照片在网络上被大量PS传播,起因是该名选手在WCG2008长沙赛区落败后,对战胜他的选手大打出手,此消息一经曝光,便在各大游戏网站、论坛中以形同水火之势泛滥。对于本次打人事件,网络上流传着多种版本,其中主流的版本为:6月15日WCG2008三星电子杯长沙赛区比赛结束后,《魔兽争霸Ⅲ》项目亚军胡建聪(aF.Timez)因不满冠军刘斌(Colourful.Ace)的轻浮言论,以请客吃饭为由将刘斌骗出赛场,并伙同他人对其进行围殴。虽然最后Timez在事情发生第二天便在Replays.Net论坛上发表了对Ace和整个Colorful俱乐部的道歉声明,但无论被打者Ace还是Colorful战队,都没有做出任何正面回应,而大部分支持Ace的网友并不接受Timez的道歉,直至后来论坛里出现了一些不理智的网友将矛头直接指向了湖南电子竞技,“湖南帮”又反指中国电子竞技选手职业道德和赛事规范问题,从而将矛盾的对立面再次扩大。本刊记者在第一时间联系了双方当事人,但直到文章发表为止,Ace本人和Colourful始终保持沉默。Ace与Colourful似乎有意无意地在避开媒体的视线,做为本次不光彩事件的受牵连一方,究竟是应承担部分责任还是单纯的受害者?我们也只能去听Timez和他的打架“七人众”成员的“一面之词”了。 Recently, a photo of Warcraft project players in the network by a large number of PS spread, the reason is that the player lost in WCG2008 Changsha Division beat his players hit the shot, this news exposure, in the major game sites, The floodgates prevailed in the forum. For this incident, there are many versions circulating on the Internet. Among them, the mainstream versions are: WCG 2008 Samsung Electronics Cup Changsha Division on June 15 After the game ended, aF.Timez, a runner-up in World of Warcraft III, Champion Liu Bin (Colorful.Ace) flirtatious speech, to treat guests on the grounds Liu Bin cheated out of the game, and together with others beaten. Although eventually Timez posted an apology to Ace and the entire Colorful Club on the Replays.Net forum the day after it happened, neither the Ace or the Colorful clan played a positive response, but most supported Ace Of users do not accept Timez’s apology, until later there are some irrational users in the forum directed at the spearhead of Hunan E-sports, “Hunan help ” and anti-refers to the Chinese e-sports player professional ethics and competition rules, and thus The opposite of contradictions will be expanded again. Our correspondents contacted both parties for the first time, but until the article was published, Ace himself and Colorful always remain silent. Ace and Colorful seem to be consciously or unconsciously to avoid the media’s attention, as impolite this implicated party, whether it should bear some responsibility or simply victims? We can only listen to Timez and his fight “Seven people ” members of the “word”.
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