Role of the intrinsic charm content of the nucleon from various light-cone models on γ+c-jet produc

来源 :中国物理C:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangcongzhi
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Having a precise knowledge of the charm quark component can lead to a better understanding of the fundamental structure of the nucleon.Furthermore,the charm quark distribution function plays an important role in the study of many processes which are sensi
Recently,a novel idea[1]has been proposed to relax the electroweak hierarchy problem through the cosmological inflation and the axion periotic potential.Here,we further assume that,only the attractive
The power spectrum of primordial tensor perturbations Vt increases rapidly in the high frequency region if the spectral index n_t> 0.It is shown that the amplit
肉鸡腹水病常见于4周龄后的鸡,发病率公鸡多于母鸡。其症状表现为:初期食欲下降,精神不振,羽毛松乱,粪便稀黄色。后期食欲废绝,病鸡呆立一角,腹部臌胀,腹中积液量可达500毫升。笔者近年来采用中药治疗200余例,均获得满意效果。  处方:陈皮、白术、茯苓、菌陈、青皮各45克,大黄、泽泻各40克,莱菔子60克,苍术24克,木通、猪苓、枳壳、槟榔各30克(以上剂量可供100只病鸡使用),煎汁饮用,或拌料喂