
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jbajba321
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一、半年以来,由于国家财政经济情况开始好转,各种建设事业渐多恢复,又由于本院先后发布之救济失业工人指示及救济失业教师与处理学生失学问题指示及由本院批准之救济失业工人暂行办法已在各地实施,使过去国民党反动统治所造成的大批失业知识分子已有一部分就业或获得物质救济。但在上述指示与办法中所规定的失业知识分子以外,还有其他失业知识分子的处理问题亦应予以适当的解决。为了积极增进各种失业知识分子就业的机会和条件,并逐步助其就业,特补发如下指示,望各级人民政府和有关主管部门认真执行。二、中国现有知识分子为数本不多,在国家建设事业进一步恢复和发展的过程中,将日益感到知识分子的需要和缺乏。但由于种种原因,主要同于过去教育制度所造成的知识分子一般存在着学用脱节与缺乏为人民服务观点的严重缺陷,致国家需要录用他们时发生很大困难。因此 I. Since the beginning of six months, the financial and economic conditions of our country have started to turn around. Various construction projects have been gradually restored. As a result of the directives issued by the hospital on relief of unemployed workers and the relief of unemployed teachers and instructions on how to deal with the students’ loss from school and the unemployment relief granted by this court, The provisional measures of workers have been implemented in various places, so that a large number of unemployed intellectuals caused by the Kuomintang’s reactionary rule of the KMT have found employment or obtained material relief. However, in addition to the unemployed intellectuals stipulated in the above-mentioned directives and measures, the handling of other unemployed intellectuals should also be appropriately resolved. In order to actively promote the employment opportunities and conditions for all kinds of unemployed intellectuals and gradually help them find employment, the following instructions shall be specially made for the serious implementation of the people’s governments at various levels and relevant departments in charge. Second, since there are only a small number of existing intellectuals in China, they will increasingly feel the need and lack of intellectuals in the process of further restoration and development of their national construction. However, due to various reasons, mainly due to the fact that the intellectuals caused by the past education system generally have serious flaws of being out of school and lacking in serving the people, it is very difficult for the country to hire them. therefore