Construction of neuron specific vector of human antisense noggin gene expression

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianghong_jones
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The noggin gene is present in the central nervous system in embryonic and postnatal mammals,and plays an important role in maintaining nervous system development and physiological function.A 0.76-kb sequence of human noggin gene was cloned by polymerase chain reaction with the digestion site of Hind Ⅲ and Xba I on the 5’ end.The cloned fragment was reversely inserted into pCS2+[Tα1]-GFP plasmid,an neural cell-specific antisense eukaryotic expression vector.The plasmid expresses antisense for human noggin specifically in neurons,which may facilitate understanding of the physiological function of noggin. The noggin gene is present in the central nervous system in embryonic and postnatal mammals, and plays an important role in maintaining nervous system development and physiological function. A 0.76-kb sequence of human noggin gene was cloned by polymerase chain reaction with the digestion site of Hind III and Xba I on the 5 ’end. The cloned fragment was reversely inserted into pCS2 + [Tα1] -GFP plasmid, an neural cell-specific antisense eukaryotic expression vector. The plasmid expresses antisense for human noggin specifically in neurons, which facilitates understanding of the physiological function of noggin.
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