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小菜蛾(Plutellda xylostella(Linnaeu))是鳞翅目食叶类害虫,在农业上以化学防治为主且大量使用同种药剂,从而造成小菜蛾抗性快速增加而难以防控。为提高阿维菌素对小菜蛾的防治效果和减少农药的使用,开展了3种增效剂与阿维菌素混配的室内毒力测定。本次研究测定西藏农牧学院农场实习基地小菜蛾田间种群对马来酸二乙酯(DEM)、胡椒基丁醚(PBO)、磷酸三苯酯(TPP)3种增效剂与杀虫剂阿维菌素复配后的毒效比和增效比。试验结果表明:阿维菌素与(DEM)混配时,有效成分比为1:1时,毒效比最大,为
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Electrides are unique materials with the anionic electrons confined to the interstitial sites,expecting important ap-plications in various areas.In this work,th