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近年来,邮储银行浙江省分行坚持从严治党、从严治行,认真落实分行党委主体责任,加强组织领导,以严谨务实的态度和行动,筑起不想腐、不能腐、不敢腐的长效机制。今年6月份以来,在总行的统一安排下,浙江省分行党委组织开展了以“尊崇党章,把《准则》《条例》刻印在广大党员心上”为主题的“党风廉政宣传教育月”活动,上下联动,多措并举,强化落实,推动了活动的深入与有效开 In recent years, the Zhejiang Provincial Branch of the Postal Savings Bank of China insisted on strictly administering the party, strictly implementing the principal responsibilities of party committees in branches and sub-branches, strengthening organization and leadership, rigorous and pragmatic attitudes and actions, and building businesses that did not want to rot, Long-term mechanism. Since June this year, under the unified arrangement of the head office, the Party Committee of Zhejiang Branch has organized “Party Conduct and Clean Government Publicity and Education with the theme of” respecting the party constitution and engraving “Regulations” and “Regulations” in the minds of the majority of party members Month "activities, up and down linkage, take measures to take the same measures to strengthen implementation, and promote the activities in-depth and effective open
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从1919年五四运动开始,中国的生产力和生产关系、经济基础和上层建筑的矛盾运动,基本上是30年一个运动周期。和这矛盾运动周期相适应,每30年的初期,都需要变革旧的发展方式、构建起新的发展方式和新的“反腐方式”。  新民主主义革命时期,党主要是提出了全面执政后,如何破解“历代兴亡周期率”的历史课题。计划经济时期的那30年,从“三反运动”和“五反运动”开始,构建了“运动反腐”的反腐方式,即通过一系列的
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