,4fN-15d energy levels of lanthanides:a quasi-angular-momentum approach and its application to Cs2Na

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scnbyfy
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The spin-orbit interaction of the 5d electron needs to be taken into account to give the proper energy structure for the 4fN-15d configuration of heavy lanthanide ions occupying a site with ligands forming an octahedron. This paper derives theoretical results for the energy structure by treating the t2 orbitals as quasi p orbitals and then using angular-momentum coupling techniques. An analytic expression for the electric dipole absorption line strengths between 4fN multiplets and 4fN-15d states is given in terms of various angular-momentum quantum numbers and re-coupling coefficients. The result is then applied to interpret the excitation spectrum of Cs2NaYF6:Er3+. The high-spin and low-spin states of Cs2NaYF6:Er3+ are discussed in terms of the wavefunctions obtained by using the developed theoretical model.
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<正> 为写成都报刊志,1985年我们访问了田一平同志,请他详细谈了《华西晚报》的情况。我们根据田老的谈话,又参看现存的《华西晚报》,整理成如下文字。一、《华西晚报》的诞生《华西晚报》(以下统称“华晚”),1941年4月20日创刊于成都,是《华西日报》原班人马所办的一张“同人”