在棉花育种实践中 ,每年要选择大量单株和株行 ,并进行系统地考种 ,以确定单株性状的优劣 ,以便于进行针对性较强的选择。运用 EXCEL 可方便地进行考种数据的统计分析 ,单株及株行的性状选择快捷方便。1输入数据为了方便地说明问题 ,绒长只输入两个数据(一般每株要有 1 0~ 2 0
In cotton breeding practice, each year to choose a large number of plants and lines, and the system of seed test to determine the pros and cons of plant traits, in order to facilitate more targeted choices. The use of EXCEL can easily test the statistical data analysis, single plant and plant traits selection is quick and easy. 1 input data In order to facilitate the explanation of the problem, only two inputs velvet long data (usually each plant has 10 ~ 20