How can exhibitors stand out at trade fairs?

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  New products and a well-conceived stand design are not the only drivers for a successful presence. Many other factors are also important, but trade fair planners often lose sight of them.
  Trade fairs are like construction projects: The right location is crucial. Exhibitors should, where possible, also factor neighbouring stands, aisles, F&B and the location of wash rooms into the planning of their trade fair presence. Ideally, the stand should be clearly visible on the main route of the visitor flow - and stand personnel able to refresh themselves from time to time without having to walk long distances.
  Long-distance effect
  How the stand looks from a distance is a major factor. Illuminated eyecatchers arouse curiosity. Do visitors instantly notice the stand when entering the exhibition hall? Plus: If you are expecting a visitor to a more remotely located stand, you should arrange a meeting point at one of the entrances. Ideally, the “host” will accompany guests to the stand himself. This is also a good opportunity for a few introductory words.
  Even if it means a bit of organisational effort: Daily meetings with the entire stand team before the start of the trade fair are essential. Together with the team, exhibitors can rehearse tours of the stand, just as they would make them with visitors. On the other days of the event one should discuss in the mornings what guests are expected on that day, whether there are any technical problems - or what products are the focus of attention. After a day at the fair, one can hold another meeting to take stock again. One can give praise for successful achievements or identify weak points.
  Uniform look
  The corporate design should also be retained at the trade fair. This applies not only to the stand design but also to the employees. A uniform dress code ensures that contacts are instantly recognisable and strengthens the team spirit of the stand crew. In practice, this means asking all colleagues to wear trousers and shirts or blouses in uniform colours. Even better: Shirts printed with the company logo and highly visible name tags will contribute to a good overall impression.
  Big fairs are noisy. Be it non-stop promotional videos flashing on the screens, music blaring from loudspeakers or presenters with amplified microphones explaining their products - conditions can soon get uncomfortable for neighbouring stands. An audio system for visitor guidance is a sensible alternative to booming loudspeakers. The technology should be easy to operate, failure-proof and flexibly extendable - for example when visitors come and go spontaneously. One system that fulfils these requirements is the Unite digital communication system by beyerdynamic. Stand visitors are provided with a receiver and headphones and guided through the product portfolio by a speaker via a transmitter. The system is also ideal for press conferences. Sound from external sources can be easily integrated and guests can even ask questions via a return channel. The many interfering signals from various wi-fi networks and radio microphones at a trade fair are no problem at all.   Gifts
  Creative giveaways are an excellent way to turn trade fair visitors into brand ambassadors. Ideally, the information material and a few small souvenirs are packed in fabric bags featuring the company logo. They can be gifted to select guests as goodie bags. At the end of a guided tour for visitors, the participants are pleased to receive the little giveaways they contain. In addition, they will probably be carrying the bag with them all day and be clearly visible at the fair. One can even add samples of the exhibitor’s products. Or themed gifts that will allow the exhibitor to leave a good and memorable impression even after the fair.
  After taking part in a fair experiences are still fresh and all participants are in “the flow”. This is the perfect time to plan the next upcoming event. No later than one week after the fair one should organise a meeting or telephone conference to receive feedback. What went well? What could be better next time? How was the media feedback? Which guests were in attendance? How did the technology work? All voices should be heard in order to get the broadest possible picture and collect all their experiences - this way, the next fair is guaranteed to be a success.
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“我期待捷克和整个欧洲的疫情局势在接下来几个月能得到缓和,这样我们最快可以在八月底开始办展。我们也调整了我们最知名的MSV机械博览会的办展方案,增加展会实际举办的可行性。此外,我们正在全力向国家政府申诉,争取早日重启被中断的会展活动。”捷克最大展会主办方与场馆运营方之一——捷克布尔诺商展公司首席执行官辜立杰表示。  记者:新冠病毒对您带来了哪些影响?  辜立杰:我个人没受到任何影响。公司里也没有人
面对疫情,我属于乐观派。大部分会展企业都经历过从无到有的创业过程,创业初期并没有太多主办方的项目支持、没客户积累、没有完整的业务团队和后勤支持部门。创业者自己拿出有限的资金贴补公司运营,在夹缝中求生存并发展至今。相较创业初期的困难,面对当下疫情,每个出展企业的老板应不畏惧。  疫情爆发以来,所有展会项目、所有出展企业都受到影响,概莫能外。本季度展会纷纷延期乃至取消。钟南山院士表示,全球疫情至少将延
近日,全球展覽业协会(UFI)发布了最新的关于对接活动在展览业中的重要性的白皮书。 该报告由UFI营销工作组与来自世界各地的行业专家共同撰写,包含细致分析和最佳实践示例。在之前的杂志中,本刊介绍了该报告中对接会的目标、对接会较为常见的行业。本文将继续介绍该报告中关于对接会形式、对接会收费情况等相关数据。  收费问题  关于提供对接服务是否会向参会者收取费用,79%的主办方表示“免费”,21%表示收
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LIGNA’s organizers, Deutsche Messe and the German Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers’ Association, are extending the show’s exhibitor early-bird discount period by two months. Early-bird discounts fo
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