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当我们拿起一本古书的时候,首先就应该检查史籍上的目录或私家的著录中有没有这本书的名字。因为各时代的书大半都著录于各时代的目录中。如周秦之书,不见于《汉书·艺文志》,隋唐之书,不见于《崇文总目》,元明之书,不见于《四库全书总目》,就有些可疑。但也有例外。如前代目录上的伪书,后代的目录照抄者,其书名虽见于目录,也是伪书,反之,明清之际若干野史、杂记,以政治关系,多不见《四库全书总目》,但并非伪书。其次,考查著者有无其人。因为必有著者其人,而后有其人之书。如神农、黄帝、夏禹、风后,都是神话中的人物,实际上并无其人,因而所谓神农《本草》、黄帝《素问》、夏禹《山海经》、《风后握奇经》等书,当然是后人伪托。又如列御寇只是《庄子》书中的寓言人物,实际上亦无其人,故指为列御寇所作之《列子》,自然也是伪书。再次,考查书的著作时代是否已有文字。如有文字,文 When we pick up an ancient book, we should first check whether there is a name for the book in the catalog of historical records or in private writings. Because most of the books of each era were recorded in the catalogs of the times. Such as the book of Zhou Qin, not seen in “Han Yi Wen Zhi”, Sui and Tang of the book, not seen in “Chongwen head”, Yuan Ming's book, not seen in the “Sikuquanshuzongmu”, there are some suspicious. But there are exceptions. For example, in the catalogs of the previous generations, some of the catalogs of copyrighted children of the descendants were found in the catalogs, but also in the catalogs of false books. On the contrary, some unofficial and miscellaneous notes on the occasion of the Ming and Qing dynasties often failed to show the Sikuquanshu Not a fake book. Second, examine the author's presence or absence. Because there must be someone, and then have someone's book. As the Shennong, Huangdi, Xia Yu, the wind, are mythological figures, in fact, no one else, so the so-called Shennong “Materia Medica”, the Yellow Emperor “Su asked,” Xia Yu “Shan Hai Jing” After “and other books, of course, is a posterity. Another example is the column of the Kou just ”fables“ in the book of fable characters, in fact, no one else, it refers to the columnist made by the ”Liezi", of course, is a fake book. Again, examine whether the text of the book's writing period already exists. If the text, text
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