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今天,当我们津津乐道开平县侨办图书馆的光辉业绩时,自然会想到开平广大华侨及港澳同胞。正是侨乡这一得天独厚的条件,才有今天遍布潭江两岸大大小小的图书馆。开平县作为广东省著名侨乡。据统计,现有旅外华侨、华人42万多人,港澳同胞18万多人,广布于58个国家和地区,主要在东南亚、美洲各国。开平侨乡的形成有着一段辛酸的血泪史。据历史记载,大约始于鸦片战争。当时,开平广大人民陷于内外交困之中;封建地主的残酷剥削,使开平“人稠地狭”问题日趋严重,劳动人民无立锥之地。太平天国起义和长达12年的土客械斗,又使人民生命朝夕不 Today, when we talk about the glorious achievements of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Kaiping County, we will naturally think of the vast number of overseas Chinese in Kaiping and compatriots in Hong Kong and Maucao. It is the unique conditions of overseas Chinese home, only today there are large and small libraries across the Tam River. Kaiping County as a famous hometown of Guangdong Province. According to statistics, there are more than 420,000 overseas Chinese and more than 180,000 overseas Chinese and more than 180,000 compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao, widely distributed in 58 countries and regions, mainly in Southeast Asia and the Americas. Kaiping Qiaoxiang formation has a bitter history of blood and tears. According to historical records, about the beginning of the Opium War. At that time, the vast majority of people in Kaiping were trapped inside and outside their homeland. The brutal exploitation by feudal landlords made the problem of “thick people and narrow land” in Kaiping increasingly serious and the working people had no place to stand by. The Taiping Rebellion and the uprising of up to 12 years of land use have caused people’s daily life not to change
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本院自1974年至1981年共收治系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)75例,其中4例(5.3%)合并缺血性坏死(INB)。特报道于下。病例介绍例1 住院号104639,女,19岁。于1978年6月因不规则发热、脸部
妊娠合并重症肝炎是我国孕产妇死亡的主要原因之一,如能及早防治则对减少母婴死亡有益. 一、诊断标准:起病急剧,中毒症状明显,黄疸急骤升高. 1.一周内血清胆红素≥171/μmol