
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuijing0328
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1997年6月,公安部在石家庄召开了“全国刑事侦查工作会议”,决定改革和加强刑侦工作。同年七月下旬,上海市公安局召开了“上海刑事侦查工作会议”,根据公安部的总体部署和上海的实际情况,具体地部署了上海的刑侦改革工作,并明确了改革进程的具体时间表。会后,黄浦分局立即传达贯彻落实,并根据市局提出的“坚决、积极、慎重、稳妥”的原则,紧锣密鼓地开始筹划刑侦改革的具体方案,下面着重就侦审合一工作作具体的汇报。统一民警思想,认识改革意义分局党委首先认真学习了公安部和市局关于刑侦改革的一系列重要文件,深刻认识公安部决定改革和加强刑侦工作的重大意义和精神,深入分析刑侦改革,尤其是侦审合一这 In June 1997, the Ministry of Public Security held a “national criminal investigation conference” in Shijiazhuang, deciding to reform and strengthen criminal investigation work. In late July of the same year, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau held the “Shanghai Criminal Investigation Work Conference.” According to the overall deployment of the Ministry of Public Security and the actual situation in Shanghai, the Shanghai Criminal Investigation Reform was specifically deployed and a specific timetable was set for the reform process . After the meeting, Huangpu Branch immediately conveyed its implementation, and in accordance with the principle of “resolute, active, cautious and prudent” put forward by the Municipal Council, in full swing to start planning a specific program of criminal investigation reform. The following focuses on the specific report on reconnaissance and reconciliation work . Unite the idea of ​​police and recognize the significance of reform. The party committee of the branch first conscientiously studied a series of important documents on criminal investigation reform by the Ministry of Public Security and the Municipal Bureau, profoundly understood the great significance and spirit of the decision of the Ministry of Public Security in reforming and strengthening the work of criminal investigation, deeply analyzed the criminal investigation reform, Reconnaissance this one
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为了更有计划有重点防治我市常见的重要急性传染病,现将我科1977年1月——1979年12月,八种常见急性传染病住院病例数予以统计并略作分析如下: 一、发病情况 (一)1977~1979年
在北京,我常常会带着我的孩子们冲出家门,去体验这个城市的“文化”:今天去国家美术馆,明天去雍和宫,后天去听京剧……  当然,博物馆、画廊和演出其实更多属于“大文化”范畴,还有许多我们日常体验的细节,属于更生活化的“小文化”——比如孩子和同伴在公园里一起玩,跟街上的小贩讨价还价,等等,也最好不要错过。  每到节假日,我们都会带孩子们去爬昌平附近的长城。在寒冷的冬日下午,带着他们在长城上远足,然后去当
目前慢性活动性肝炎的治疗虽尚缺乏有效的措施,但经过适当的休息和营养,并按患者的临床表现,肝功能情况,各种免疫指标等选用适宜的中西 At present, the treatment of chro