
来源 :公安研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong418
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新疆生产建设兵团奎屯区车排子垦区公安局马海利来稿指出,责任区民警要正确处理好治安防范与打击破案的关系。 首先,要按照派出所和刑侦改革的实施方案,结合辖区的实际,明确各自责任和工作重点,正确处理好防范与打击的关系,改变“重打击,轻防范”的观念。派出所民警要在人防、物防、技防上加大力度,调动社会力量积极参与到治安防范工作中去,形成群防群治、齐抓共管的局面,共促社会治安防范工作的顺 Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Kuitun District Che Pai reclamation District Public Security Bureau Ma Haili contributions pointed out that the police area of ​​responsibility to properly handle the relationship between public security and crackdown. First of all, according to the implementation plan of the police station and criminal investigation reform, combined with the actual conditions of the jurisdiction, clear their respective responsibilities and priorities, correctly handle the relationship between prevention and combat, and change the concept of “heavy blow and light defense”. The police station of the police station should intensify its efforts in air defense, material defense and technical defense, and mobilize social forces to actively participate in the work of public security prevention so as to form a group prevention and control system and make concerted efforts to co-manage the situation.
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目的 探讨偏头痛发作期患者血清神经元特异性烯醇化酶 (S -NSE)水平及其对脑神经元的损伤。方法 采用ELISA法对偏头痛发作期 2 9例、间歇期 2 9例及正常人 33例s -NSE进行
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