Hold that Tiger!

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这是一则来自金边的消息。柬埔寨的许多饭店的菜单赫然写着生猛动物的大名。柬埔寨人认为,食用这些动物能够cure diseases and ensuresexual potency(力量)。政府号召当地居民replace their passion(激情;热情)forrare animals with sport to stay healthy!权威人士通知饭店老板,她他们只有两种选择:stop serving rare animals or face closure。】 This is a news from Phnom Penh. The menus of many hotels in Cambodia are impressively written with the names of animals and animals. Cambodians believe that eating these animals can cure diseases and ensure sexual potency. The government called on local residents to replace their passion (passion; passion) forrare animals with sport to stay healthy! Authorities inform hotel owners that they have only two options: stop serving rare animals or face closure. 】
“非典”肆虐的时候,做消毒水、口罩的发了财;寒流突然袭来的时候,保暖类商品也会大赚一笔,通过这两个例子,说明一个非常简单的道理:哪里有市场,哪里就会有商机。    威美应市而生    32岁的小范,回首8年的创业之路,从事的行业有5、6种,财富也积累了十几万。但是近年来,国家主管部门加大了对医疗器械行业的监管力度,不断提高行业规范程度,原来从事的药品销售利润率下降、推广难度增大,小范所做的妇科药产
小汤米·塔克唱着歌要晚饭。他将吃什么?白面包和黄油。没有刀,他怎样切面包?没有妻子,他怎样结婚?LittleTommyTuckerSingsforhissupper.Whatshallheeat﹖Whitebreadandbutter.Howshallh Tommy Tucker sang songs for dinner. What will he eat? White bread and bu
My 14-year-old son, John, and I spottedthe coat simultaneously. It was hanging on arack at a secondhand clothing store inNorthampton Mass, crammed in with shod
1.林小丫(江南大学学生)问:近读Hong Kong Gasps for Clean Air(香港渴求新鲜空气)一文,其中有这样一句: 1. Lin Xiaoxuan (student from Jiangnan University) Q: I read
Please sweet sensible Carolinetttt 可爱、懂事的卡罗琳,Come out to play.ttttttt 请出来玩耍吧。The moon doth shine tttttt 月亮照耀得As bright as day.ttttttt 像白天一样明亮。After Please sweet sensible Carolinetttt Cute, sensible Carol
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Dad, is ink very expensive﹖“ ”No, it is very cheap. But why do you ask me this﹖“ ”I turned over a bottle of ink and Mum criticized me very severely. I don’t know
A woman went into a headgear shop. She wanted to buy a bonnet to match with her new dress. After she tried dozens of different caps, she finally decided to take on