Human embryonic stem cell lines with ccr5-del32 allele conferring resistance to HIV

来源 :干细胞探索(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c1074527
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A 32bp deletion in the chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) gene (CMKBR5) was shown to be linked to HIV resistance. Bone marrow transplantation from the homozygous CCR5-del32 donor to a CDC Stage 2 HIV-positive recipient was demonstrated to confer a HIV resistance
GBM Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are responsible for growth, recurrence and resistance to chemo- and radio-therapy. They are supposed to originate from the transfor
患者,女,60岁,已婚.主诉左下腹疼痛一周,突然加重伴便血1 d,于2004年11月26日入院.一周前患者感觉腹痛,以左下腹为主,无腹胀,也无发热,给予对症治疗但未见缓解,一天前症状突
Research has shown that cells from adult fat tissue can effect long-term blood reconstitution. Fat-derived multipotentiality was ascribed to CD34+ perivascular