
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meihong
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目的了解海口市农村地区老年人的慢性病及相关知识知晓现状,为探索老年人健康的社区干预和慢性病防治措施提供参考依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法对海口市农村地区1 973名老年人进行访谈、问卷调查,并汇总分析。结果海口市农村地区老年人小学及小学以下文化程度比例为81.7%,73.2%老人与子女同住,62.0%老人生活能自理;吸烟率为10.7%,饮酒率为9.4%,经常锻炼率为48.6%,自觉口味偏咸率为9.2%;慢性病总患病率为54.2%,男女患病情况差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),年龄间差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),80岁及以上患病率最高,为64.2%;慢性病相关健康知识整体知晓率为46.1%,知晓率较高的条目为“世界卫生组织提出的健康四大因素”(72.8%)和“高血压诊断标准”(54.2%),“吸烟有关疾病”条目的知晓率最低(11.9%);老年人获取健康知识的主要途径为医护人员(70.2%)和社区健康教育(24.4%)。结论海口市农村地区老年人健康知识知晓状况有待进一步改善,应积极探索健康教育及健康促进的新模式,为农村地区居民的健康干预提供依据。 Objective To understand the status quo of chronic diseases and related knowledge of the elderly in rural areas of Haikou City and provide reference for exploring the community interventions and chronic disease prevention and treatment measures for the elderly. Methods A multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method was used to interview 1,973 elderly people in rural areas of Haikou City. The questionnaires were collected and analyzed. Results Elderly people in rural areas of Haikou City had 81.7% of the following primary and primary education, 73.2% of the elderly lived with their children, and 62.0% of the elderly were able to take care of themselves. The smoking rate was 10.7%, the drinking rate was 9.4%, and the regular exercise rate was 48.6% %, The rate of salty salivation was 9.2% for conscious taste, and 54.2% for chronic disease. There was no significant difference between male and female prevalence (P> 0.05). There was a significant difference between the ages (P <0.001) And the highest prevalence was 64.2%. The overall awareness rate of chronic health-related health knowledge was 46.1%. The high-awareness items were “the four major health factors proposed by the World Health Organization” (72.8%) and " (54.2%) and smoking-related diseases (11.9%). The main ways for seniors to obtain health knowledge were health care workers (70.2%) and community health education (24.4%), . Conclusion The awareness of health knowledge among the elderly in rural areas in Haikou City needs to be further improved. Health education and a new mode of health promotion should be actively explored to provide the basis for health intervention among rural residents in rural areas.
<正> 2002年是我国经济发展势头较好的一年,国民经济持续快速健康发展,各项社会事业全面进步,地区经济发展取得了新的成就。 一、2002年地区经济发展特点 地区经济保持较快增
摘 要:做好家庭经济困难学生的认定工作是各项资助工作的前提和基础。如何做到认定工作的公平、客观、可操作性强显得日趋重要。本文从高校家庭经济困难学生认定工作面临的形势入手,分析家庭经济困难学生认定工作中存在的问题,并提出了完善认定工作的对策建议,以期提高资助资金的有效利用率,切实将国家的资助政策落到实处。  关键词:家庭经济困难 认定 对策 研究  中图分类号:G71 文献标识码:A 文章编号:16
<正> 经过规定的加入WTO程序,历经16年的谈判,2001年12月11日我国正式成为WTO成员。我国农产品市场不再是单一的国内市场,既可能面临国外农产品的冲击,也面临着更多的出口机