为了减少误诊,提高确诊率,现以流行性乙型脑炎误诊为流行性腮腺炎并发脑膜脑炎一例分析误诊思维. 患者女性,10岁。乙脑流行季节发热8天,双腮腺肿胀2天,嗜睡1天。脑脊液常规检查符合病毒脑炎,诊断为腮脑。入院后持续高热,神志昏迷。出现呼吸衰竭,行气管切开,并使用呼吸器治疗。昏迷11天后经抢救脱险。腮腺肿胀随病情好转消失。住院138天。遗留肢体轻瘫出院.乙脑补体结合试验1∶4递增至1∶64。最后诊断为乙脑。疾病是病因与机体相互联系、对立转化的运动过程。在这个过程中机体各系统内及系统之间从有序向无序到新的有序演变的综合反应就是主观症状、客观体征及化验的客观基础。这辩证运
In order to reduce the misdiagnosis and improve the diagnosis rate, it is misdiagnosed as a case of mumps complicated with meningoencephalitis by epidemic encephalitis B. Patients Female, 10 years old. JE fever season 8 days, double parotid gland swelling 2 days, lethargy 1 day. Cerebrospinal fluid routine examination in line with viral encephalitis, diagnosis of cheek brain. Continued high fever after admission, unconscious mind. Respiratory failure, tracheotomy, and respirator treatment. Coma after 11 days rescue rescue. Parotid swelling disappeared with the condition improved. Inpatient 138 days. Residual limbs paralysis discharged. JE complement fixation test 1: 4 increased to 1:64. The final diagnosis of JE. Disease is the etiology and the interrelated body, the opposite of the transformation process. In this process, the integrated response of the system within the system and from system to disorder to new and orderly evolution is the objective basis of subjective symptoms, objective signs and tests. This dialectical transport