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年少时,爱想象自己有朝能修理各种机器。修冰箱、治水喉、装磡电脑(是IBM那款最原始的桌上巨机)、爬进汽车底部把一切损坏了的机件弄妥等等。不知是不是自己念文科,常常有这个工科的幻象。其实,念工科的也不见得懂这些。其实,我连战舰模型也砌不成、砌不好。母亲要我换天花板上的电灯泡,我边换边担心自己随时触电,然后从天花板掉下坠毙。根本,我从未向这个方向 When I was young, I imagined that I could fix all kinds of machines. Fixing the refrigerator, curing plumbing, loading Hom Computer (IBM’s most original desktop giant), crawling into the bottom of the car to make all the damaged mechanical parts and so on. I do not know myself is not a liberal arts, often have the illusion of engineering. In fact, they do not understand engineering. In fact, I can not even build a warship model, not a good puzzle. My mother asked me to change the light bulb on the ceiling, I worry about changing the edge at any time, then fall from the ceiling. Fundamentally, I have never been in this direction
所谓诗味,应该包括情味、意味、趣味、韵味四味。王国维《人间词话》中说:“昔人论诗词,有景语情语之别。一切景语,皆情语也。”他告诉我们,诗词中景的表达是赋予了 The so-
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沈阳市某开发公司郑浩天问: 我公司是不久前成立的,其成员基本上是机关干部出身,因此,我们在对外交往中非常慎重。听说经过公证的经济合同履行起来都比较好,所以,我们想了解
<正> 1.血液制品管理条例(1996年12月30日中华人民共和国国务院令第208号发布,自发布之日起施行)。 2.中华人民共和国海关稽查条例(1997年1月3日中华人民共和国国务院令第209号发布,自发布之日起施行)。
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●她一掷千金,确实产生了“轰动效应”,不少人对她的实力深信不疑,称她为申城房地产界的“大姐大”。● ● her petty tricks, did have a “sensational effect”, many pe
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