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针对当前突出的“土地财政”问题,本文利用1998-2012年地区面板数据,研究了转型期我国土地出让的规模和价格是否由财政分权和经济目标考核的共同影响。通过实证分析发现,在财政分权下,地方政府通过出让更多的土地来获得收支平衡,导致出让规模和价格快速升高;在经济目标考核下,地方政府会采取工业和商业混合发展手段,工业上采取的协议方式出让土地价格与商业上采取的“招拍挂”**方式出让土地价格差距逐渐扩大。在财政依赖度强和经济发展水平高的地区这一现象更为严重。此外,房价和地区市场开放度也是影响土地出让的重要因素。文章最后指出中央应该对目前的土地利用情况动态监管,合理科学调控土地利用,主动引导地方政府土地财政模式转变。 In view of the current outstanding “land finance ” problem, this article uses the regional panel data from 1998 to 2012 to study whether the size and price of land transfer in China during the transitional period are jointly influenced by the fiscal decentralization and economic goal assessment. Through empirical analysis, it is found that under the fiscal decentralization, local governments obtain more balance of payments by transferring more land, which leads to the rapid increase of scale and price of transfer. Under the assessment of economic objectives, local governments will adopt a combination of industrial and commercial means of development , The industry adopted the agreement to sell the land prices and commercial take “bidding” “way to sell land” the gradual expansion of the price gap between the land. This is even more serious in areas with a high degree of financial dependence and high levels of economic development. In addition, housing prices and regional market openness is also an important factor affecting the land transfer. Finally, the article points out that the central government should dynamically regulate the current land use situation, rationally and scientifically control land use, and take the initiative to guide the local government’s land-finance transition.
Sézary syndrome(SS) is an aggressive variant of cutaneous T cell lymphoma characterized by the presence of malignant T cells in the skin, peripheral blood and
石墨箱中一大排高 达 11 米 的圆柱,占满了一个空旷的大厅.高耸的管道网络由2000多条管道组成,着实是一副令人惊叹的画面.不过,这场面之所以震撼人心,不仅仅是因为其规模和整