
来源 :中国防痨通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganxie123
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应世界卫生组织和日本国厚生省的邀请,中国结核病专业人员20人于1987年10月11日~11月3日参加在东京举行的世界卫生组织/日本/中国结核病研讨会。中国结核病专业代表团由严碧涯任团长,孙传贤、汪士任副团长,由北京全国结核病防治研究中心、上海分中心及11个省、自治区、直辖市结核病防治所的负责人或专业人员参加。在日本期间,中国专业人员受到日本国厚生省大臣斋藤博士及有关官员的接见,双方表示要发展中日友好,加强结核病防治工作和学术交流,致力于结核病防治事业。研讨会上,世界卫生组织官员和中国、日本专家就国家结核病防治规划的有关内容进行了专题交流和讨论,包括世界卫生组织对结核病防治的方针政策,结核病的全球性问题、结核病的流行病学、各项防治措施和监测等。通过会议交流和实地考察,中国专业人员对日本现行的卫生保健制度和结核病法规及结核病防治现状和经验有了进一步的了解。中日两国结防工作经验的相互交流为今后两国专业人员的学术交流和合作开辟了良好的前景。 At the invitation of the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan, 20 Chinese tuberculosis professionals attended the WHO / Japan / China Tuberculosis Symposium in Tokyo from October 11 to November 3, 1987. The Chinese tuberculosis delegation was headed by Yan Biya, deputy head of Sun Chuanxian and Wang Shishu, and was attended by leaders and professionals from the Beijing National Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Research Center, Shanghai Sub-center and the TB Prevention and Control Institute of 11 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. During his stay in Japan, Chinese professionals were interviewed by Dr. Saito of Japan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare and officials concerned. Both sides expressed the wish to develop Sino-Japanese friendship, strengthen tuberculosis prevention and control work and academic exchanges, and devote themselves to TB prevention and control. At the symposium, officials of WHO and experts from China and Japan held special topics and discussions on the relevant contents of the national tuberculosis prevention and control plan, including WHO’s guidelines and policies on tuberculosis prevention and control, the global problem of tuberculosis, the epidemiology of tuberculosis , Various prevention measures and monitoring. Through the exchange of conferences and field trips, Chinese professionals gained a better understanding of the current health care system in Japan and the status and experience of tuberculosis laws and tuberculosis prevention and control. The mutual exchange of prevention and control work experience between China and Japan opens up a good prospect for the academic exchanges and cooperation between professionals of the two countries in the future.
介绍从高空作业平台整机稳定性计算着手设计支腿支撑点位置,从而优化设计作业平台的支腿结构。 This paper describes how to design the position of support leg support f
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作者描述了一例对氯喹和法西达均具抗性的恶性疟病人。患者1984年12月6日至1985年12月20日在非洲加蓬期间曾服用氯喹300mg 基质/周以预防疟疾。返回德国后于同月24日发病,体