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  Marjorie Gestring—the youngest Olympic gold medalist
  At age 13, Marjorie Gestring was our youngest Olympic gold medal winner ever in springboard diving at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. No one, except maybe Adolph Hitler who watched her win, could predict it would be her last. World War II robbed Gestring of her shots at the 1940 and 1944 Olympic titles. At age 26, her Olympic comeback try in 1948 fell short.
  Bob Mathias—the youngest athlete in Olympic history to win a men’s athletics event
  17-year-old American Bob Mathias won the decathlon only four months after taking up the sport. He is the youngest athlete in Olympic history to win a men’s athletics event. By the time Mathias retired from decathlon competition in 1952, he had nine victories in nine competitions, four United States championships, three world records and two Olympic gold medals, all before he was 22.
  Dmitry Nelyubin—the youngest Olympic champion among male cyclists.
  Olympic cycling champion Dmitry Nelyubin died in the very beginning of the new year,in St.Petersburg. The 33-year-old athlete was killed on New Year’s night. Nelyubin was the youngest Olympic champion among male cyclists. He clutched his gold medal in Seoul at the age of 17.
  Dmitry Nelyubin became the Olympic champion in 1988. He also became the world champion and won many other titles afterwards. The athlete finished his cycling career seven years ago at the age of 26.
  Fu Mingxia—the youngest Olympic diving champion
  Fu Mingxia became the youngest Olympic champion at the age of 14. Her success became a cover story in “Time” magazine titled “Olympic Height—China’s gold medallist Fu Mingxia.” Four years later, in Atlanta, she went on to do well again, winning the women’s platform and springboard diving competitions.
  Gezahegne—the youngest Olympic marathon champion
  Gezahegne is known as the youngest Olympic marathon champion ever, after winning the gold medal in the 2000 Olympics in Sidney, Australia. But he has also won the London Marathon (2003), where he ran a 2:07:56, the Fukuoka Marathon (2002, 2001 and 1999), and the World Championship Marathon (2001). Gezahegne also finished second in the Boston Marathon in 2000.
  Lipinski—the youngest Olympic figure skating champion
  Lipinski became the youngest-ever women’s Olympic champion at 15 years and eight months — two months younger than Sonja Henie of Norway when she won the women’s title at the 1928 Winter Games in St. Moritz.
  鲍勃·麦西亚—— 奥运史上赢得男子田径赛冠军最年轻的运动员。
  伏明霞14岁就成为最年轻的奥运跳水冠军。她的成功还上了《时代》杂志的封面故事,名为“奥运高度——中国的金牌得主伏明霞”。 四年后,在亚特兰大,她风采依旧,赢得了女子跳台跳水和弹板跳水比赛。
  盖察黑格内是众所周知的最年轻的马拉松冠军,他赢得了2000年澳大利亚悉尼奥运会的马拉松比赛冠军。但他也赢过2003年伦敦马拉松比赛,这场比赛中他跑了2:07:56的成绩,还有福冈马拉松比赛 (2002, 2001和1999年)和世界马拉松锦标赛(2001).盖察黑格内也在2000年的波士顿马拉松比赛中获得了第二名的成绩。
  利平斯基成为奥运有史以来最年轻的女子花样滑冰冠军,那时她才15岁零8个月,比在1928年圣莫里茨冬奥会上女子花样滑冰项目上夺冠的挪威选手松亚·黑妮埃还小两个月 。
In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some value it 36 ,believing that it is responsible 37 social progress and prosperity. 38 say that competition is bad; that it 39
第Ⅰ卷 (三部分,共115分)  第一部分: 听力 (略)  第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)  第一节: 单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳答案。  21. There are so many books to________ in the bookstore, so I really don’t know wh
Ⅰ. 单词拼写  根据句意和汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1. Some people learn by _______(实验) and others learn by experience.  2. Oil, milk and water are all_______ (液体).  3. His lack of education was a_______ (不利) when he
悲伤的时候我常常不愿意听《黄昏》,小刚那沙哑的声音加上悲伤的曲风,常常让人浮想联翩,心情也难免低沉。但单纯从音乐角度,《黄昏》这首歌是周传雄创作的一个高峰,它把小刚从幕后推到了台前,从而奠定了其在台湾流行音乐的地位。而《黄昏》这首歌曲也被翻译成英语、马来语而在世界传唱。本期的《Betrayal》就是《黄昏》的英文版。    歌手: 周传雄  专辑: transfer    My love has
一、 词语例解  1. recognize vt. 认出;辨认  He has changed so much that I can hardly recognize him.他变化了这么大,我几乎认不出他来了。  I recognized her voice over the phone. 我在电话里听出是她的声音。   vt. 承认;认可;公认。后接名词或从句,亦可接“宾语 + to be .
Twenty four cities around the world will fall into shadow next month as homes and businesses turn off the lights to raise awareness about global warming, or-ganizers said Tuesday.   The “Earth Hour” i
“Let the world know China and Let China know the world.” I can’t remember exactly where I have seen this slogan in Beijing and what the context has been. Given the simple fact of the ardor people have
A Birthday Presen  Helen: Mum, do you know what I’m going to give you for your birthday?  Mum: No, dear, what is it?  Helen: A nice teapot.  Mum: But I’ve got a nice teapot.  Helen: No, you haven’t. I
奥林匹克格言是:“更快、更高、更强”。它是国际奥委会对所有参与奥林匹克运动的人们的号召,号召他们本着奥林匹克的精神奋力向上。阅读下文,你可知道这句格言由来。    A friend of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, Father Henri Martin Didon, of the Dominican order, was principal of the Arcueil