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在现如今改革开放逐渐加深的大背景下,我国对外的经济文化交流也日益频繁,在这个前提下,社会各界对于实用型英语人才的需求就越来越大,但是在现阶段我国的英语教育中,大都比较注重语法等知识性的内容,而较少的关注到听说读写等方面,但是实际英语的应用中,听和说是比较重要的两个方面,因此在学校的英语教学中,创造性的将外部的资源引入英语课堂中,旨在提高学生对于英语的实际运用的能力就显得特别重要,本文旨在讨论如何将传媒的手段运用到高校英语教学中,为英语教学内容的改革打下基础。 Nowadays, with the gradual deepening of reform and opening up, China’s economic and cultural exchanges with foreign countries are also becoming more frequent. Under this premise, the demand for practical English-speaking talents in various sectors of the society is growing. However, at this stage, the education of English in our country Most of them pay more attention to the content of knowledge such as grammar, while they pay less attention to the aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, listening and speaking are two important aspects of practical English application. Therefore, in English teaching in schools , The creative ability to introduce external resources into the English classroom is particularly important to improve students’ ability to use English. This article aims to discuss how to apply the media to college English teaching and to reform the content of English teaching lay the foundation.
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The world's largest green initiative turned 40 years this year. The national volun-tary tree-planting campaign, launched in China with a government resolution i
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