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由中宣部、全国人大常委会办公厅、司法部、新闻出版署联合召开的全国法制新闻宣传工作座谈会,今天开始举行。我们这次会议的宗旨是:总结交流近年来法制新闻宣传工作的经验,分析和研究当前法制新闻宣传工作的形势和面临的任务及存在的问题,探讨在新形势下如何提高认识,增强力度,把握导向,加强管理,提高质量,进一步加强和改进法制新闻宣传工作。由四个部门联合召开这样的会议,多年来还是第一次。相信在大家的共同努力下,一定能把这次会议开好,达到会议预期的目的,推动我国的法制新闻宣传工作出现新的局面。不久前召开的党的十四届五中全会明确提出,要"继续深入开展法制宣传,提高全民族的法律意识和法制观念,特别是提高广大干部依法行政、依法管理的水平和能 The symposium on legal public information of the country legally held jointly by the Central Propaganda Department, the General Office of the NPC Standing Committee, the Ministry of Justice and the Press and Publication Administration started today. The purpose of our meeting is to summarize the experience of exchanging legal publicity work in recent years, to analyze and study the situation and tasks faced by the legal public information publicity work and existing problems, and to explore ways to raise awareness, strengthen our efforts in the new situation, Grasp the guidance, strengthen management, improve quality, and further strengthen and improve the legal publicity work. It is the first time in many years for such a conference to be jointly held by the four departments. We believe that with the concerted efforts of all of you, we will surely make this meeting a success so that we can achieve the expected purpose of the meeting and promote the emergence of a new situation in our country’s legal public information work. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party recently held clearly stated that it is necessary to continue to carry out the propaganda of the legal system in an all-in-one manner to raise the awareness of the entire nation on legal awareness and the concept of the legal system, and in particular to raise the standard of administration by law and according to law
电磁兼容(EMC)指设备或系统在一定的电磁干扰环境中,能正常工作的适应 能力。就雷达系统而言,它能在设备舱特定电磁干扰环境中正常工作;同时,也要求它所产生的电磁干扰电平不超过规