推行资本经营 三年增值七成

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仪征市供销社发展引人注目。3年多来,全市20个基层社资产净增值919.3万元,增长68.5%,总资产达7524.5万元,无一亏损,在同行业效益滑坡的情况下,1996年1—8月份完成商品销售2.1亿元,实现综合经济效益192.6万元,分别比上年同期增长22%和11.5%,呈现出持续、稳定、健康发展的良好态势。 一、转变观念,拓宽领域,由商品经营型向资本经营型转变 随着市场经济体制的逐步建立,个体、私营经济的迅速发展,供销社经营阵地不断萎缩,经营优势衰减,出现了效益下降,经济包袱加重,职工收入减少的困难局面。到92年底我市亏损基层社6个,占30%。供销社的生存与发展受到挑战,迫使我们对传统的经营思想进行反思,更新观念,自觉地拓宽其他领域,由商品经营型向资本经营型转变,以实现资本盈利最大化,在市场竞争中赢得主动权。 Yizheng supply and marketing cooperatives attract attention. In the past three years, the net added value of 20 grass-roots social assets in the city was 9,193,000 yuan, an increase of 68.5%, with total assets of 75,245,000 yuan, without any loss. With the decline of industry efficiency, the sales of commodities were completed in January-August 1996 210 million yuan to achieve 1.9166 million yuan of comprehensive economic benefits, an increase of 22% and 11.5% over the same period of previous year, showing a good momentum of sustained, stable and healthy development. I. Changing Concepts and Broadening the Area from Commodity Management to Capital Management With the gradual establishment of a market economy system and the rapid development of individual and private-owned economy, the supply and marketing cooperatives have been shrinking their operating positions and declining their operating advantages, resulting in declining benefits, Economic burden increased, workers income reduced the difficult situation. By the end of 92, the city lost 6 grassroots cooperatives, accounting for 30%. The existence and development of the supply and marketing cooperatives are challenged, forcing us to reflect on the traditional management ideas, to update our concepts and to broaden other areas conscientiously. From commodity management to capital management, we can maximize capital profit and win in the market competition Initiative
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