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油茶毛虫(Euproctis conspersa Butler)属鳞翅目、毒蛾科,俗名茶毛虫、毒毛虫、吊丝虫、扒叶虫等,是我省主要油茶害虫。1952年在会同、黔阳、怀化、溆浦、辰谿、沅陵及芷江等县为害,面积达8万余亩,1958年发生40万亩以上。据溆浦思蒙乡群众反映,早在40年前已有此虫为害。严重地影响油茶生产。幼虫及脱皮均有毒毛,触人皮肤,便红肿,发生肉疣,痛痒难受。凡发生此虫的林地,农民收摘茶果时,常中毒害。 此虫过去尚无适当防治方法,我们于1958年先后在溆浦、会同等地作防治试验,已获得初步结果,现整 Euproctis conspersa Butler belongs to the Lepidoptera, the family of moths, the common name of tea caterpillars, poisonous caterpillars, hanging filariasis, pag grasshoppers, etc., is the main oil tea pests in our province. In 1952 in Huitong, Huaihua, Xupu, Chenxi, Yuanling and Zhijiang County, covering an area of ​​80000 acres, 1958 occurred more than 400000 acres. According to Xupu Meng Meng township masses reflect, as early as 40 years ago this insect has been harmful. Seriously affect the production of Camellia. Larvae and peeling are poisonous hair, touch the human skin, then redness, the occurrence of warts, itchy uncomfortable. Where this pest forest, peasants harvest tea, often poisoning harm. In the past, there was no suitable control method for this insect. In 1958, we successively held control experiments in Xupu and obtained preliminary results.
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针叶小爪螨Oligongchus ununguis(Ja-cobi)是危害杉木的一种主要害虫。1977—1978年在湖南省桃源县杉木林区曾造成严重地危害。为此,我们1978—1980年在该县对针叶小爪螨进
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