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自中央人民政府政务院于一九五三年十二月五日发布「关于国家建设征用土地办法」后,各地在执行中先后提出了若干问题,除经政务院及我部分别作了答覆外,兹就其中几个主要的问题,分别综合答覆如下:一、本办法第四条甲、乙两款所称全国性与地方性的建设事业用地的区分问题,根据本条规定的精神,应依该项事业的领导系统和业务性质来区分。至某些地区反映:全国性建设事业,散布全国各地,若不论其用地多少,均须经由国家计划委员会(以下简称计委)核定,政务院批准,事实上有困难,且常因此延误该项建设事业的进行。对此问题,我们认为:不在于全国性建设事业散布全国各地,亦不在于本办法规定此项用地均须经计委核定,政务院批准而发生困难,乃由于批准此项建设事业计划任务书和设计书的主管部门没有通知用地所在的地方政府以致往返稽延时日。因为凡属新举办的全国性建设事业,一般在其计划任务书和设计书送经计委或各主管部门批准时,其中即已包括征用土地一项。兹为解决这一问题,特提供下面几点,请予注意:(1)今后凡新举办的全国性建设事业,在其计划任务书和设计书送经计委或各主管部门批准后,应即同时通知用地所在的地方政府,以便办理征用土地手续。 Since the Central Government Department released the “Measures on State-Building Acquisition of Land” on December 5, 1953, various issues have been raised in various places during implementation. Except for the separate replies of the State Council and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, In respect of several of these major issues, the following are the general remarks respectively: I. The distinction between national and local construction sites as referred to in Article 4 (A) and (B) of these Measures shall, in accordance with the spirit of this Article, Career leadership system and business nature to distinguish. Reflecting in some areas, the nationwide construction undertaking spread throughout the country is subject to the approval of the State Planning Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “Planning Commission”) regardless of the amount of land it uses. In fact, it has difficulties and often delays the construction Business progress. In this regard, we think it is not that the nationwide construction undertaking is spread all over the country, nor that the provisions of this set of measures require the approval of the State Council for approval for the approval of the land for such use because of the approval of the Planning Commission. This is due to the approval of the project letter of construction plan and The administration of the design document did not notify the local government where the site was located that the delay was due. Since all newly established national construction projects generally involve the requisition of land when their planning and design documents are submitted to the Planning Commission or other competent departments for approval. In order to solve this problem, we hereby provide the following points to note: (1) In the future, whenever the newly-started national construction undertaking is approved by the Planning Commission or the competent authorities after its planning and design proposals have been approved, That is, the local government where the land is located will be notified at the same time in order to handle the formalities for expropriation of land.
作为山东省内第一家中外合资的高速客运公司——山东交通济宇高速运业有限公司,自成立第一天起,就把创建优秀的服务品牌作为自己的长远发展战略,在省内首先推出“航空 As t