The research and application of RFID metallic tag

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hn_hcg
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Hitachi Information Systems started up the RFID business from 2 002 and provides varieties solutions, especially devoted the energies on the research of metallic tag and the development of its applied area.The metallic tag was developed to withstand the harsh environment like vibration,shock,high-pressure water injection,high voltage,and ultraviolet irradiation.Because the metallic tag that different with the metal tag created before,is protected by the metallic material that made it very strong to be used in the environment listed above. June,2006,our company successfully developed the metallic tag with armor-clad stainless steel.Therefore, comparing with the resin tag,the metallic tag with remarkable mechanical strength was sufficient attention to withstand the outdoor use,even to resist UV.By the method of screw fixing,rivet tightening,soldering or nail striking,the installation procedure can be completed.Because the various installation methods were supported,the metallic tag can be applied to many industry areas.The management markets like construction machinery, substation equipment,molds,tools,and metallic container that need the very strong tag can be developed,because of the metallic tag. In this thesis,it will be described about the research background and the research results of metallic tag,the commercialized metallic tag’s features and application fields,as well as the research subjects in the future and recent development situation. Hitachi Information Systems started up the RFID business from 2 002 and provides varieties solutions, especially devoted the energies on the research of metallic tag and the development of its applied area. The metallic tag was developed to withstand the harsh environment like vibration, shock, high -pressure water injection, high voltage, and ultraviolet irradiation.Because the metallic tag that different with the metal tag created before, is protected by the metallic material that made it very strong to be used in the environment listed above. June, 2006, our company successfully developed the metallic tag with armor-clad stainless steel. Herefore, comparing with the resin tag, the metallic tag with remarkable mechanical strength was sufficient attention to withstand the outdoor use, even to resist UV.By the method of screw fixing, rivet tightening, soldering or nail striking, the installation procedure can be completed.Because the various installation methods were supported, the metallic tag can b e applied to many industry areas. The management markets like construction machinery, substation equipment, molds, tools, and metallic container that need the very strong tag can be developed, because of the metallic tag. In its thesis, it will be described about the research background and the research results of metallic tag, the commercialized metallic tag’s features and application fields, as well as the research subjects in the future and recent development situation.
2010~2011赛季,各大联赛冷门频出,拜仁、尤文一蹶不振,AC完胜国米强势领跑,多支黑马球队突发涌现……而冷门最多的,当属英格兰超级联赛。  近几个赛季,英超诸强在欧足联的重压之下依旧表现抢眼,终于坐稳世界第一联赛宝座,大不列颠传统四强成为了欧亚大陆乃至全世界都闻风丧胆的球队,而在本赛季,英超联赛突起大乱,三支球队争冠,五支球队抢欧战门票,十支球队身陷保级泥潭,让全球的英超球迷在饱受血雨腥风、
目的分析主动脉夹层的临床及病理特点。方法回顾性分析1998年1月-2011年10月26例主动脉夹层致死的临床及法医尸检病理资料,对其发病、死亡经过、诊断、死因进行总结。结果 26