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梅洛-庞蒂立足于其身体现象学对“画是无声诗,诗是有声画”这一经典语图相似论进行了重新阐释。虽然对索绪尔语言学的借鉴使梅洛-庞蒂中期对语言区别于绘画的特征有了更多认识,但这并没导致他放弃前期将语言和绘画都视为身体姿势的观点。他在中期借助语言现象学将索绪尔语言学吸收进身体现象学中,从而在新层面上延续了前期的语图相似论,中期的风格理论是语图相似论的具体体现,也是通向后期的肉身理论的关键环节之一。肉身理论是梅洛-庞蒂从新本体论角度对身体理论的发展,而对语图关系的思考推动了他对肉身之可逆性特征的发现。在肉身视域中,语言和绘画都被明确视为对存在的表达,语图相似论的最终依据正在于此。 Based on his body phenomenology, Merleau-Ponty reinterpreted the classical figurative similarism of “Painting is a silent poem and poetry is a sound painting.” Although the reference to Saussure’s linguistics has made Merrow-Ponty more aware of the difference between language and painting in the medium term, this has not led him to abandon the idea that language and painting were both regarded as physical postures. He absorbs Saussure’s linguistics into body phenomenology with the help of linguistic phenomenology in the medium term, thus continues the pre-dialect similarism on a new level. The medium-term style theory is the embodiment of linguistic similarity theory, One of the key aspects of the post mortem theory. The theory of flesh body is the development of body theory from the perspective of neo-ontology by Merleau-Ponty, and his reflection on the relationship of language diagrams promotes his discovery of the reversible character of flesh. In the flesh-body perspective, language and painting are all clearly seen as expressions of existence, and the ultimate basis of figurative linguistic similarity lies here.
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女 百丈红岩万古松,rn男 永世传扬留美名;rn女 县委书记焦裕禄,rn男 榜样作用力无穷.rn女 唱的是六三年一天傍晚,rn男 彩霞染红兰考城.rn女 焦守凤美滋滋回家报喜讯,(白)妈,
甲 介绍一下,站在我身边的这位,这是玩家.他好玩.rn乙 现在人都好玩.rn甲 在高处,老高老高的地儿,把皮筋儿绑腿上,让人往下一推——他蹦极.rn乙 刺激啊!rn甲 这人下去脑袋朝
[曲头]rn合 咱中国人,扬眉吐气挺胸脯,rn甲 切莫忘,想当初,受侮辱,遭杀戮,rn合 哪有今天这么幸福.rn甲 为了永久和平,rn合 咱把历史回顾,rn甲 咱们米段彩唱单弦——审战俘.rn
人物:rn赵大娘——女,70多岁,退休工人;rn儿媳妇——女,38岁,赵大娘儿媳妇;rn苗苗——女,2 0岁,大学生;rn警察——男,30多岁;rn刀出鞘——男,40多岁.网名:刀出鞘;rn王律师—
利用有限差分法,推导出根据土的p-y计算变截面桩,在横向荷载的作用下,本身的位移和内力的计算公式,克服了以前利用有限差分法,只能对等截面桩进行计算的缺点。 Using the fi