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时装姓什么?姓“时”呗,这还用得着问。以一般人的理解,“时”就是流行,就是新潮,就是某种款式在一定时间内为人们所认可、所追逐。服装商靠这个“时”字赚钱,发烧友靠这个“时”字光鲜,新闻媒体靠这个“时”字炒出热点。可以说,“时”是服装的生命,买方和卖方都处于“高烧不退”的状态。以笔者之见,“时”字除了有时髦、时尚的意思外,还可以理解为独特、新鲜,能恰到好处地烘托出你的个性、气质和心情。如此看来,这个“时”并非一定得跟着流行去“爬山涉水”。悟出了这一得意道理,你就能在席卷大都市的“时”浪中保持相当的冷静,不追星、不赶月,即使是最普通的衣服也能穿出品味。联想到一幅在国际摄影大赛上获奖的服饰艺术照片,更觉得真正的美是不会因流行而落伍的。清澈的溪水边,一位发髻梳得油光光,身着连补丁也缀得齐齐展展的蓝布大褂的老太太,正让她的小孙女往自己的白发上簪一朵小雏菊……照片中那位老太太的服饰与斯人斯水情景交融,故透视出一 What is the fashion name surname “when ” chanting, which also need to ask. To most people’s understanding, “时 ” is popular, that is trendy, that is, a certain style for a certain period of time for people to recognize, chase. Costumes rely on this “hour ” word to make money, enthusiasts rely on this “hour ” bright words, the news media rely on this “hour ” word speculation hot. It can be said, “when ” is the life of clothing, buyers and sellers are in a “high fever” status. In the author’s opinion, “时 ” in addition to the words of fashionable, fashionable meaning, but also can be understood as unique, fresh, just right to express your personality, temperament and mood. So it seems, this “hour ” does not necessarily have to follow the popular “mountain wading ”. To realize this prudential principle, you can keep quite calm in the waves of the time sweeping through the metropolis. You can not catch stars, catch up with the moon, and even the most common clothes can wear out the taste. Think of an art photo taken at the International Photography Awards, even more so that the true beauty will not be out of fashion. A clear stream, a bun comb shiny, dressed in patchwork also decorated blue cloth coat decorated the old lady, is let her little grandma hair to his hair on a daisy ... ... The photo of the old lady’s costumes and Sri Lanka Sri Lanka water conditions blend, so a perspective
目的 :探讨类风湿性关节炎 (RA)患者血浆血小板膜颗粒蛋白 (GMP -14 0 )的变化及意义.方法 :用ELISA法检测 42例RA患者和 15例正常人血浆血小板GMP -14 0的含量 ,同时检测血
目的 :了解小剂量米非司酮配伍小剂量米索前列醇用于足月妊娠引产时胎盘形态及母婴血液生化的变化.方法 :对 40例妊娠期无明显并发症及合并症 ,因孕期延长而引产的初产妇随机
1994 年 4~11 月在东太平洋铁锰结核区, 使用 “向阳红 09”船, 采集 39 个表层沉积物、12 个上覆水和 7 个结核样。在现场用平板法测定了异养细菌和铁、锰细菌丰度, 用稀释法( M P N 法) 测定硫酸
洞庭雨(国画)@王金星 Dongting rain (Chinese painting) @ Wang Venus
精品汇展 High-quality exhibition