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近年来 ,蚕豆生产已引起各级政府的重视。随着蚕豆育种科技攻关的进展 ,“蚕豆新品种选育及示范推广”课题研究不断深化 ,先后育成了“凤系”蚕豆高产良种凤豆1~ 7号 ,已分别在我省大理、曲靖、昆明、丽江、楚雄等地州 (市 )大面积推广应用。目前 ,以凤豆四号推广应用取得的社 In recent years, the production of broad bean has drawn the attention of governments at all levels. With the progress of scientific and technological breakthroughs in broad bean breeding, the research on the topic of “breeding and demonstration of new broad bean varieties” has been deepened. It has successively bred No.1 and No.7 high-yielding faba bean varieties “Feng-line” in Dali, Qujing, Kunming, Lijiang, Chuxiong and other states (cities) to promote the large-scale application. At present, to promote the use of Fudou four access to the community
安贝托从马可·波罗的故 乡来;安贝托的眼眸神秘 如他家门前的海水;安贝 托用“吉利”连接北京和意 大利;2005年安贝托最大 的愿望是所有的中国人都 能跟着他,探访畅游美丽
  Objective:This study was intended to clarify changing trends of cerebral aneurysm epidemiology in South Korea by analyzing the demographic characteristics o
他们出生在20世纪早期,负笈海外于新中国成立前;他们以卓著的学术成就,为海内外所高山仰止;他们是中国留学人员的楷模! Born in the early 20th century, they were born ov
兰州市林业局等单位的科研人员历经6年时间 ,在榆中县兴隆山林区人工栽培野生蕨菜取得成功。并通过技术部门鉴定。被誉为“山珍之王”的野生蕨菜 ,营养丰富 ,富含蛋白质及钾、