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Ferroelectric lead-free BaTi1-xZrxO3 ceramic powder samples with various compositions (x =0,0.04,0.06) have been synthesized by conventional high-tem-perature solid-state reaction method at 1450 ℃ for 10 h.Influences of Zr doping on the inter-atomic bondi
Iron-based superconductor,a promising candi-date for high-field applications,has attracted significant attentions.For practical utilization,the superconducting tapes should have high transport critical current density(Jc),low production cost,larger mechan
The Al-Hf alloy was prepared by open alu-minothermic reduction of HfO2 using CaF2 and NaF as the flux.The influence of the slag composition,the amount of aluminum,and the heat energizer was studied detailly to establish optimum conditions for the sufficie
In general,inorganic filler/polyurethane elas-tomer (PUE) composites possess favorable properties,such as modulus,chemical resistance,and heat stability,are promising for broadening the application area of poly-urethanes (PU).For the experiments,a series
A highly c-axis-oriented aluminum nitride (AlN)thin film with smooth and crack-free surface was fabricated by an off-normal direct current (DC) sputtering method in a pure nitrogen atmosphere,in which the rotatable substrate holder positioned in the middl
Mineral apatite compounds have attracted sig-nificant interest due to their chemical stability and adjustable hexagonal structure,which makes them suit-able as new photovoltaic functional materials.The band gap of natural apatite is ~ 5.45 eV,and such a l
SiCf/Ti composite owns the attractive advan-tages of lightweight and excellent high-temperature per-formance,which make it have great significance to the development of aerospace industry.However,the compli-cated fabrication route and novel architecture o
为满足超大型(公里级)空间结构在轨组装的需求,设计了一种全新的空间大型结构体组装接口并对其装配性能进行了详细的分析.首先,详细设计了一种纯机械式双锁定组装接口.其次,通过建立接口运动学模型,对组装接口的容差性能进行了分析,得出X方向容差为14.25 mm,Z方向容差为15.84 mm,绕X,Y,Z三个轴的角度容差分别为5.65°、5.51°和5.34°.最后,对对接接口进行了ADAMS仿真分析,验证了容差分析的正确性,得到了对接机构接触力与静摩擦系数、机械臂推力、碰撞锥角之间的非线性影响关系,为空间对接机