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为深入贯彻落实党的十八大和习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,进一步加强中国梦宣传教育,培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,实现“五个老有”的老龄社会目标,国家新闻出版广电总局与全国老龄工作委员会办公室在2014年10月开展了首届向全国老年人推荐优秀出版物的活动。这些优秀出版物反映了时代风貌,贴近百姓生活,符合老年人的阅读特点。覆盖老年人衣、食、住、行、娱等各个方面,兼顾思想性、艺术性、可读性、实用性,将满足各个层次的老年人阅读需求。人文社科类出版物可丰富老年人的文化知识;养生保健类出版物适合关注养生保健的老年读者;老年生活类出版物为老年朋友的饮食方式、生活方式、安全知识等方面提供帮助;娱乐休闲类出版物则是为想提升艺术修养、陶冶情操、培养兴趣的老年人所提供的;文学类出版物则艺术价值高、可读性强,对文学爱好者来说是不错的选择。此外,入选的出版物分为人文社科类(20种)、养生保健类(15种)、老年生活类(12种)、娱乐休闲类(20种)、文学类(23种)、音像电子类(10种)。其中适合老年人观赏的优秀音像电子出版物,如《国粹京剧》有助于读者全方位深入了解京剧,《茶文化大讲堂》让读者感受中国茶文化的博大精深。为了与广大老年读者共享这一文化发展成果,满足老年人多样化、个性化的阅读需求,本刊特从今年第1期开始,开设《好书推荐》栏目,以帮助读者朋友选择自己喜爱的优秀出版物,提高阅读兴趣,养成良好的阅读习惯。 In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech delivered by the party’s 18th CPC National Congress and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series, further publicize and educate the Chinese dream, cultivate and practice the socialist core values, and achieve the goal of “five old-age” seniors, the national news The publication of SARFT and the Office of the National Committee on Aging carried out the first activity of recommending outstanding publications to the elderly nationwide in October 2014. These excellent publications reflect the style of the times, close to people’s lives, in line with the reading characteristics of the elderly. Covering the elderly clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment and other aspects, taking into account the ideological, artistic, readable, practical, will meet the reading needs of the elderly at all levels. Publications of the humanities and social sciences can enrich the cultural knowledge of the elderly; health-care publications are suitable for elderly readers who are concerned about health care; and the publications of the elderly life category help the elderly friends in eating habits, lifestyle and safety knowledge; entertainment Casual publications are provided for the elderly who want to enhance artistic accomplishment, cultivate sentiments and cultivate their interests. Literary publications are of high artistic value and readability and are good choices for literary enthusiasts. In addition, the selected publications are divided into humanities and social sciences (20 kinds), health care category (15 kinds), the elderly life category (12 kinds), entertainment (20 kinds), literature (23 kinds) Class (10 species). Among them, excellent audio-visual electronic publications suitable for the elderly to enjoy, such as “Peking Opera”, will help readers to understand Peking opera in all aspects and make the readers feel the profound and profound Chinese tea culture. In order to share the achievements of cultural development with the majority of elderly readers and meet the diversified and individualized reading needs of the elderly, we hereby open the “Recommended Books” section from the first phase of this year to help readers choose their favorite Excellent publications, improve reading interest, develop good reading habits.
摘 要: 现代社会对职业教育的要求是培养实践能力、动手能力和岗位适应能力强的学生,因此职业院校的教学应该突出强调实践技能的培养,将理论教学、实践教学、生产和技术服务融为一体,让学生在实践中学习知识的理实一体化的教学模式。  关键词: 职业学校机电类专业 理实一体化教学 教学改革 师资队伍建设    1.引言  随着现代社会对职业教育的要求,职业院校机电类专业对学生的培养要求是:培养在机电行业生产、
摘 要:中等职业学校德育课是学校德育工作的主渠道,是中职学生必修的公共基础课,是对学生进行思想政治教育、法制教育、职业道德和职业指导教育、创业教育以及心理健康教育等的主阵地。为了全面贯彻党的教育方针,全面实施素质教育,确保中等职业教育更好地适应经济社会发展对高素质劳动者和技能型人才培养的要求,增强职业学校德育教学的针对性、实效性,就需要坚持以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向、以能力为本位、以学生为主体,立
原发性高血压患者51例(男28例,女23例;年龄57±SD11yr;病程13±9yr),其中,轻度11例、中度40例。用国产盐酸地尔硫(艹卓)30-90mg,tid po,4wk为一个疗程。治疗后,对轻、中度高
取穴:太阳穴  穴位:于颞部,在眉梢与目外眦之间,向后约一横指的凹陷处。  手法:  (1)“干洗头”(指的是以双手十指指腹从前额起沿头正中线直推向后发际,随后从头两侧推向后发际)6分钟。  (2)中指随鼻腔慢慢吸入清气,渐渐向下按压太阳穴至最酸胀时,缓缓吐出浊气,停9秒,如此6次。  (3)以双手中指在双侧太阳穴上先逆时针方向按揉360次,再缓缓做顺时针方向按揉280次。  (4)以双手掌小鱼际
国有煤炭企业担负着保障国计民生的重要职能。以人为本是科学发展观的核心。以人为本谋发展既是国有煤炭企业落实科学发展观的直接体现,更是推动企业科学发展的必由之路。 S