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国务院作出依靠科技进步振兴农业的决定后,全国各地出现了狠抓农业、狠抓科技兴农的新形势,一个重视农业,支援农业,发展农业的热潮迅速兴起。农业要上新台阶,摆在农业科技档案工作者面前的任务,是让农业科技档案在科技兴农中发挥出巨大的经济效益。建国40年来,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,农业科技档案工作不断发展,取得了令人鼓舞的成绩。据统计,全国农业科研部门农业科技档案资料馆藏已达200多万卷(册)。如何使这笔巨大财富在科技兴农中发挥作用,产生效益,是 After the State Council made the decision of relying on scientific and technological progress to revitalize agriculture, there emerged a new situation in all parts of the country that pay close attention to agriculture and pay close attention to the development of agriculture by science and technology. The boom that takes agriculture as a priority, supporting agriculture and developing agriculture is rapidly emerging. The task that agriculture must take to a new level before the archivists of agricultural science and technology is to make agricultural science and technology archives exert enormous economic benefits in rejuvenating agriculture with science and technology. Since the founding of the People’s Republic 40 years ago, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the work of agricultural science and technology archives has been continuously developing and achieved encouraging results. According to statistics, the collection of agricultural scientific and technological archives data of agricultural research departments nationwide has reached over 2 million volumes (volumes). How to make this tremendous fortune play a role in developing agriculture by science and technology and produce benefits?
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现在我们已经生活在网络的世界,数字的海洋。如今的因特网(INTER- NET)已拥有十亿多的用户,而且在以成倍的速度递增,目前网络使用饱和度还较小。今后,网络将会变得无时不有,
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