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阅读下面文字,按要求完成各题开荒·茅盾·①让我们来想象一下:亿万年以前,地壳的一次变动,把高高低低的位置,全改了个样;亚洲中部腹地有那么一长条.本来是个内海,却突然变成了高原了.于是(?)在亿万年的悠久岁月中,从北方吹来的定期的猛风,将黄色的轻尘夹带来了,落在这高原上,犹如我们的书桌隔一天会积一居尘埃;于是(?)悠久的亿万年中,这黄色的轻尘竟会积累得那么多,那么厚,足够担负千万人类生息的任务.②这就是我们今天叫做西北黄土高原的.③你以为这是神话么?随你高兴怎么想就怎么想吧.但这是人类的智慧现在所达到的最科学的假说,这是有土里发现的一些化石贝壳来给这“假说”撑腰;而且,黄土高原之赫然雄踞在这里,可真是百分之百的现实呵!④让我们再来想象一下:(1)又是亿万年以前,或许是这高原的史前,洪荒世里的主人(?)大爬虫,比现在的一列火车还长的爬虫(蜥蜴),曾在这个地方蕃息,昂首阔步;(2)巨大的羊齿,类植物曾在这个地方生长,浓绿密布;(3)那时候,不是现在那样重山濯濯.(4)⑤你以为这是神话么?随你高兴怎么想就怎么想吧.但是,大爬虫的遗骸,就在前年被掘出来了;为是偶然的发现,打窑洞的时候掘得了一节,后来就从再打数洞,又得了数节.现在这遗骸就陈在延安边区政府,这是现实!⑤最后,让我们再作一次 Read the following text, and complete the problem: Dredge and Mao Dun 1. Let’s imagine: After a hundred million years ago, a change in the earth’s crust changed the position of the high and low positions; the middle hinterland of Asia has a long way to go. Article. Was originally a sea, but suddenly became a plateau. So (?) In the long years of billions of years, the regular typhoon blowing from the north, brought a yellow light dust clip, and fell on this plateau. As if our desks were to gather dust every day, then in the billions of years, this yellow dust would have accumulated so much, that it was thick enough to carry the burden of tens of millions of human beings.2 This is what we call today the Loess Plateau in the Northwest. 3 Do you think this is a myth? Whatever you like to think about it, think about it. But this is the most scientific hypothesis that human wisdom has reached. It is found in the earth. Some fossil shells support the hypothesis; moreover, the impressive loess plateau is truly 100% realistic! 4 Let’s imagine again: (1) It was again hundreds of millions of years ago, maybe this plateau Prehistoric, the owner of the prehistoric world (?) The big reptile, than the present A long-lived reptile (lizard) once swam in this place and striding forward; (2) giant goat’s teeth, where the plants had grown in thick green; (3) at that time, it was not as heavy as the mountains now. (4)5 Do you think this is a myth? Think about it when you are happy. But the remains of the big reptile were dug out in the previous year. For accidental discovery, they dug in the cave The festival, and then from playing a few more holes, and then got several more. Now this will be on the Yan’an border area government. This is a reality! 5 Finally, let us make another
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