
来源 :中华医学教育杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flj3156
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目的:分析我国开设本科临床医学专业的院校在地区间的数量与分布,为本科临床医学专业的设置和宏观调控提供依据。方法:采用描述性统计方法,利用2018年教育部高等教育质量监测报表数据,分析开设本科临床医学专业的院校在地区间的分布,利用泰尔指数贡献率探讨分布差异的原因。结果:截至2018年,我国开设本科临床医学专业的院校共181所,占全国1 245所普通高等院校(本科)的14.54%。“985工程”院校中开设本科临床医学专业的比例为51.28%(20/39),非“985工程”或“211工程”高校(以下简称其他院校)中开设的比例仅为13.24%(150/1133)。平均每省(自治区、直辖市)拥有开设本科临床医学专业的院校5.84所;全国每千万人口和每10万平方千米开设本科临床医学专业院校分别为1.30所和1.88所。地区内泰尔指数贡献率为81.58%。结论:“985工程”等高层次院校开设本科临床医学专业的比例远高于其他院校。开设本科临床医学专业院校层次和数量在地区间差异较大。应当综合考虑地区内现有开设本科临床医学专业院校的绝对数量和相对数量、院校所处层次和临床医学学科实力等因素,进行本科临床医学专业的设置和调控。“,”Objective:Analyzing the quantity and geographic distribution of colleges offering undergraduate clinical medicine program in China and so to provide research basis for the development of national strategy for specialty establishment.Methods:Using the data from the Ministry of Education in 2018, the distribution of colleges in regions were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Using the Theil index to explore the source of difference.Results:Up to 2018, there were 181 colleges offering undergraduate clinical medicine program in China, accounting for 14.54% of the total undergraduate colleges and 51.28% (20/39)of the 985 Project colleges offering undergraduate clinical medicine program, while in other undergraduate colleges the percentage is only 13.24(150/1133). On average, each province has 5.84 colleges offering undergraduate clinical medicine program. The number of colleges offering undergraduate clinical medicine program for every 10 million populations and every 100 thousand square kilometers is 1.30 and 1.88. The contribution rate of the Theil index in the interior region was 81.58%.Conclusions:The proportion of high-level colleges offering undergraduate clinical medicine program is much higher than other undergraduate colleges. The level and number of colleges offering undergraduate clinical medicine program vary greatly among regions. Setting the undergraduate clinical medicine program must to consider the factors such as the absolute number and relative number of colleges offering undergraduate clinical medicine program, the academic level of colleges and the strength of clinical medicine discipline.
目的:探讨氯吡格雷联合丹参酮Ⅱn A磺酸钠注射液治疗冠心病心绞痛的疗效及其对血管内皮功能和微炎性反应状态的影响。n 方法:选取2015年6月至2019年6月浙江省磐安县