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桑德(范·迪赛尔饰)是一名身体强壮、叛逆不羁的极限运动爱好者,经常把警察和FBI玩得团团转,奈何他不得。FBI特工头目(萨缪尔·杰克逊饰)看中了他的出众能力,经过重重考验将他招入FBI,成为秘密特工。他的首次任务就是打入俄罗斯恐怖组织当中破坏该组织意图用毒气弹毁灭都市的计划,他面对的将是头脑冷静残酷的恐怖头子、冷血的杀手和亦敌亦友的妖冶女子,他必须用自己的头脑和良好的身体技能完成任务 本片自上映后,连续几个月票房均名列前矛,除了片中惊险刺激的极限运动、劲爆的音乐、爽快的动作之外,主演范·迪赛尔的个人魅力也不容小视,这个光头、肌肉发达的猛男本来就是一名极限运动爱好者,虽然演技平平,但浑身刺青(把XXX刺在脖子后面)、形象够酷,被称作是史泰龙的接班人。范·迪赛尔与本片导演是第二次合作,前一次是 Sand (Fan Di Saier ornaments) is a physical, rebellious extreme sports enthusiasts, often the police and the FBI are playing around, but he could not. FBI agent (Samuel Jackson ornaments) took a fancy to his outstanding ability, after a number of tests he was recruited into the FBI, as a secret agent. His first mission was to break into the plan of the Russian terrorist group to undermine the intention of the organization to destroy the city with poison gas bullets. He will face the calm, cruel terrorist, cold-blooded killer, With their own minds and good physical skills to complete the task Since the release of the film, for several months at the box office topped the spear, in addition to thrilling extreme sports, the world’s best music, refreshing action, starring Desail’s personal charm can not be underestimated, the bald, muscular macho has always been an extreme sports enthusiasts, although the acting is mediocre, but tattoos (XXX thorn in the back of the neck), the image is cool, is called Stallone’s successor. Van Desail and the film director is the second cooperation, the previous time is
本文介绍了焊接缺陷从确认到返修及焊后热处理的过程,一次返修合格率较高,供返修工作者参考。 This article describes the welding defects from the confirmation to the
《谈余叔岩》一书原著者孙养农,该书于1953年在香港出版发行,50年后得以重印,以此来纪念余叔岩逝世60周年,这也是重印者——余氏外孙刘康、刘真的一个心愿。 一、原著者孙养
本文叙述了工字梁结晶裂纹产生原因的分析过程。 This article describes the analysis of the causes of the I-beam crystal cracks.
前报曾报导了Mn(Ⅱ)的加速效应。此后又肯定了这一效应的普遍性及应用于流洗色谱的可能性。本文发现了4N HCl中的CuCl_x~(x-2)-是一种有效的加速离子,可以改善U(Ⅵ)的色谱床