Syntheses and Crystal Structure of Erbium(Ⅲ) Coordination Polymers with Two Flexible Double Betaine

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Two new polymeric erbium(Ⅲ) complexes of two flexible double betaine ligands have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray analysis. In {[Er(L1)(H2O)4)Cl3 H2O}n (1) (L1 = 4, 4’ -trimethylenedipyridinio-N, N’-diacetate ), the erbium(Ⅲ) ions form a two-dimensional metal carboxylate layer in which each pair of Er(Ⅲ) atoms is bridged by two syn-anti μ-carboxylato-o,o’ groups, Adjacent layers arecross-linked through hydrogen bonds among aqua ligands, lattice water molecules andchloride ions to form a three-dimensional network. Complex l, C17 H28 N2 O9 ErC13 (Mr =676.0) is monoclinic, space group C2, with a= 27. 408(4), b= 9. 645 (3), c= 9. 423(2) A, p=1loo. 85(1)’, V=2446. 2(9) A’, Z=4, D=l. 836 g/cm’, F(OOO) =1332, μ(MoKa) = 38.06 cm-1, R=0. 048 for 2451 reflections with I>2σ(I). { [Er(L2 ) (H2O)4]Cl3. 5H2O}. (2) (L2=1, 3-bis (pyridinio-4-carboxylato) propane) comprises lanthanide carboxylate chains built from centrosymmetric dimeric units crosslinked by a pair of L2 ligands, discrete anions and lattice water molecules. In the dimeric unit of complex 2, each pair of metal ions is bridged by four syn-syn μ-carboxylatoO, O’ groups that are oriented nearly perpendicular to each other about the metal-metalaxis. The metal carboxylate chains of complex 2 are further cross-linked by hydrogenbonds to form a three-dimensional network. Complex 2, C15 H32 N2O13 ErCl3 (Mr=722.0) belongs to the monoclinic space group C2/m with a=16. 564 (3), b=15. 839(3), c=11. 792(4) , β=122. 27(1)°, V=2616(1), Z=4, Dc=1.833 g/cm3,F(000) =1436, μ (MoKa) = 35. 75 cm-1, R =0.043 for 2436 observed reflectionswithI>2σ(I). Two new polymeric erbium (Ⅲ) complexes of two flexible double betaine ligands have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray analysis. In {[Er (L1) (H2O) 4) Cl3 H2O} n ’-trimethylenedipyridinio-N, N’-diacetate, the erbium (III) ions form a two-dimensional metal carboxylate layer in which each pair of Er (III) atoms is bridged by two syn-anti μ-carboxylato-o, o Complex l, C17 H28 N2 O9 ErC13 (Mr = 676.0) is monoclinic, space group C2, with a = 2748 (4), b = 9. 645 (3), c = 9. 423 (2) A, p = 1lo.85 048 for 2451 reflections with I> 2σ (I). {[Er (L2)] = 0 836 g / cm ’F (OOO) = 1332 μ MoKa = 38.06 cm- (2) (L2 = 1, 3-bis (pyridinio-4-carboxylato) propane) containing lanthanide carboxylate chains built from centrosymmetric dimeric units crosslinked by a pair of L2 ligands, d In the dimeric unit of complex 2, each pair of metal ions is bridged by four syn-syn μ-carboxylatoO, O ’groups that are oriented almost perpendicular to each other about the metal-metalaxis. The metal Complex 2, C15 H32 N2O13 ErCl3 (Mr = 722.0) belongs to the monoclinic space group C2 / m with a = 16. 564 (3) The carboxylate chains of complex 2 are further cross-linked by hydrogen bonds to form a three- , b = 15.839 (3), c = 11.792 (4), β = 122.27 (1) °, V = 2616 (1), Z = 4, Dc = 1.833 g / cm3, F ) = 1436, μ (MoKa) = 35.75 cm-1, R = 0.043 for 2436 observed reflectionswithI> 2σ (I).
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个人简介  吴微 ,大连理工大学应用数学系教授 ,博士生导师 ,大连理工大学数学所副所长 .1 953年出生于黑龙江省牡丹江市 .1 977年毕业于吉林大学数学系计算数学专业 ,1 98
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