Characterization of ZnO Based Varistor Derived from Nano ZnO Powders and Ultrafine Dopants

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Nanosized ZnO powders were prepared with a two-step precipitation method. The average size of ZnO particles was about 80 nm and their size distribution was narrow. Combining with ultrafine additive powders, ZnO base varistor was produced via an oxide mixing route. ZnO varistor derived from normal reagent grade starting materials was investigated for comparison purpose. Outstanding microstructure of the ZnO varistor derived from nanosize ZnO powders and ultrafine dopants was obtained: uniform distribution of fine ZnO grains (less than 3 microns), grain boundary and the dopant position. Higher varistor voltage (U=492 V/mm) and nonlinear coefficient (α=56.2) as well as lower leakage current (TL=1.5 μuA) were achieved. The better electrical properties were attributed to the uniform microstructure, which in turn led to stable and uniform potential barriers. Also this improved technique is more feasible for producing ZnO nanopowders and resulting varistor in large scales. Nanosized ZnO powders were prepared with a two-step precipitation method. The average size of ZnO particles was about 80 nm and their size distribution was narrow. Combining with ultrafine additive powders, ZnO base varistor was produced via an oxide mixing route. from normal reagent grade starting materials was investigated for comparison purpose. Outstanding microstructure of the ZnO varistor derived from nanosize ZnO powders and ultrafine dopants was: uniform distribution of fine ZnO grains (less than 3 microns), grain boundary and the dopant position. Higher The better electrical properties were attributed to the uniform microstructure, which in turn led to stable (V = 492 V / mm) and the nonlinear coefficient and uniform potential barriers. Also this improved technique is more feasible for producing ZnO nanopowders and resulting varistor in large scales.
北风怪兽一样地嚎叫着,雪花纷纷扬扬地落着,天地间成了一个冰雕玉砌的世界。  呆呆地坐在教室内,望着窗外纷飞的雪花,我的心情阴沉得就像这时的天空。学校本来已安排元旦这天放假了,因这场骤然而至的大雪,学校改变了主意,元旦这天回家团圆的愿望成了泡影。  放学铃声响后,同学们蜂拥着去了伙房,我仍然百无聊赖地坐在教室内。正是在这个时候,我听到了最熟悉的声音。抬头一看,满身是雪的父亲满面挂笑地站在教室门口。 
【关键词】 作文教学;真情实感;生活;情   境;素材;兴趣  【中图分类号】 G623.24  【文献标识码】 A  【文章编号】 1004—0463(2015)   18—0095—01   作文是语文教学的重要组成部分,是衡量学生语文水平的重要尺度。怎样才能让学生写出富有真情实感的好作文呢?叶圣陶先生说过,写作的源头是“充实的生活”。让学生走进生活,在自然风光、文物古迹、
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