The New Silk Road:Eurasia in the 21st century

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本文系德国联合能量论坛(TheFusionEnergyForuminGerman)主任Tennenbaum博士于1994年12月11日在德国埃特伐尔(Eltville)举行的劳工委和施乐尔研究所国际组委会大会上的讲演稿,首次刊登在1995年第1期美国《EIR》杂志上。为使我国读者了解国外学者对建设新亚欧大陆桥所持的观点和态度,经《EIR》正式授权,本刊特将此文转载刊登。本文较系统地论述了古代丝绸之路的历史沿革及其对促进亚欧经济繁荣发展、传播文明和友谊曾经起到的重要而积极的作用。作者认为,在面向21世纪这一关键时期,交通运输和通讯网络的建设和贯通将实现亚欧经济的“黄金复兴”,制定“新丝绸之路”的发展政策和战略己是至关重要,迫在眉睫。这些政策包括:1.重大发展项目的确立,如高速铁路网的对接;水资源的分配和管理等一揽子项目;沿线能源开发布局和扩散网络;新兴城市的建设等一系列问题。2.建设以上项目,可供采取的融资和信贷政策。3.围绕振兴亚欧经济所必须采取的国际合作策略和途径等。作者还强调,沿线各国应从各自的生存和发展需要出发,对建设“新丝绸之路”的必要性和重要性达成共识,只有依靠共同利益的合力驱动才能实现亚欧大陆经? This article was presented by Dr. Tennenbaum, Director of TheFusionEnergyForuminGerman at the International Organizing Committee Meeting of the Labor Committee and the Institute of Xerox in December 11, 1994, in Eltville, Germany. It was first published in The first issue of 1995 “EIR” magazine. In order to make our readers understand the views and attitudes of foreign scholars on the construction of the new Eurasian Continental Bridge, this article is specially published by the author after being formally authorized by “EIR”. This article systematically discusses the historical evolution of the ancient Silk Road and its important and positive role it played in promoting the prosperity and development of Asia and Europe, in spreading civilization and in friendship. The author believes that in the crucial period of the 21st century, the construction and penetration of transportation and communications networks will bring about the “golden rejuvenation” of the Asia-Europe economy and the formulation of a development policy and strategy for the “new Silk Road” Imminent. These policies include: 1. The establishment of major development projects such as the docking of high-speed railway network; the package of water resources distribution and management; the layout and spread of energy development along the route; the construction of emerging cities and a series of other issues. 2. To build the above projects, the financing and credit policies to be adopted. 3. Strategies and approaches to international cooperation that must be taken to revitalize Asia-Europe economies. The author also stressed that all countries along the line should proceed from their own survival and development needs and reach consensus on the necessity and importance of building a “new Silk Road.” Only by relying on the joint efforts of common interests can the Eurasian economy be realized.
2012—13赛季CBA常规赛在悄然间已走完了一半的路程,与上赛季的火爆相比,本赛季的竞争和受关注度更上一层楼。你可以看到麦克格雷迪求胜的执著,也可以看到京粤大战的激烈,还可以看到诸强之前惨烈的季后赛门票争夺战……如今的CBA已经包含了一个有魅力的联赛应有的一切,这片战场正充斥着赤色的焰。  麦迪的重生  从揭幕战的惜败,到赛季进程中感受到孤立无援,麦迪在这期间享受着每一座城市球迷的顶礼膜拜,却也
其一往返寻踪不觉劳,清芬接处感薰陶。吾生步履多蹉跌,不废胸头一象高。 One of the tracing back and forth do not feel tired, Qingfen then nurtured. My life is slow