Unit 1重点词汇讲解

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  Part One 单词专讲
  1. defend
  分析:defend vt. 防御,保卫,保护,为……辩护
  When he saw the dog, he picked up a stick and defended himself. 他看到狗的时候,他拾起木棍自卫。
  He defended me from the fierce animal. 他保护我免遭那个凶猛的动物的伤害。
  I am prepared to defend my ideas. 我准备好了为自己的构想辩护。
  拓展:defense n. 防卫,防御,防御设施
  We will build a bank as a defense against flooding. 我们将筑堤作为防洪措施。
  The mother said in defense of the boy that he was innocent. 母亲为男孩辩护说他是无辜的。
  2. abundant
  分析:abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的
  There is abundant food in the cupboard. 碗橱里有充裕的食物可用。
  Birds concentrate (in places) where food is abundant. 鸟聚集在食物丰盛的地方.
  The dictionary is abundant in sunny words, healthy words, happy words. 词典含有大量表达乐观、健康和快活的词。
  拓展:短语be abundant in 相当于be rich in
  As is known to all, our country is abundant in natural resources. 众所周知,我们国家天然资源丰富。
  Our library is abundant/rich in books and magazines. 我们图书馆图书和杂志资源丰富。
  3. locate
  分析:locate v. 找出,设于,位于,定居. vt. 确定……的地点[范围]
  After I retire Im going to locate in Nanjing. 退休后我打算在南京定居。
  The company located its branch office in the suburbs. 该公司把它的分公司设在郊区。
  The post office is located on the Five Street. 邮局位于第五大街。
  拓展:be located in 位于,坐落于
  The shopping mall is located in the center of the city. 商业步行街位于市中心。
  Located in the south of the city, the park attracts many people every day. 位于城市的南部,这个公园每天都吸引许多人。
  4. devotion
  分析:devotion n. 意思是“致力,献身。”
  His devotion to the work is amazing. 他对工作的专注令人吃惊。
  The Australians devotion to sport, however, does not mean that most of them actually do much sport. 澳大利亚人热衷体育运动,但这并不意味着大多数澳大利亚人真的从事很多运动。
  拓展:devote v. 意思是“投入与,献身”等。常用于devote oneself to致力于,献身于; devote to 致力于,把……献给。
  The old man has devoted himself o science. 老人致力于科学研究。
  He has devoted his whole life to helping blind people. 他致力于帮助盲人。
  be devoted to这个短语是“致力于,把……奉献给”的意思。
  This new kind of magazine is devoted to science. 这种新杂志专门刊载科技文章。
  5. content
  分析:content adj. 满足的,满意的
  be/feel content with 的意思是“满足于,对……满意”。相当于be satisfied/ pleased with.
  He is content with such a small success. 他对这样一个小小的成功就感到满足。
  My mother is content with very little. 我母亲易于满足。
  be content to do sth. 乐于做某事
  I am well content to remain here. 我很愿意留在这儿。
  The old couple seem content to sit in front of the television all night. 老夫妇俩似乎整夜坐在电视机前就心满意足了。
  拓展:content oneself with 满足于,对……感到满足
  We should never content ourselves with a little book knowledge only. 我们切不可满足于仅仅一点书本知识。   6. occupy
  分析:occupy vt. 占(时间,空间等),占有,占用,使忙碌
  The table occupies a lot of space in his room. 桌子占了他房间很多空间。
  All the rooms of the hotel are occupied. 这家旅馆客满。
  I have been occupied in reading an interesting novel. 我一直专心读一本有趣的小说。
  拓展:be occupied with 忙于
  When I got there, she was occupied with her homework. 当我到那儿时,她正在忙于她的家庭作业。
  occupation n. 职业
  7. seemingly
  分析:seemingly ad. 表面上(看上去)
  They were seemingly unaware of the decision.
  Id prefer to too really back to normal, not seemingly so.
  She plays with seemingly effortless skill. 她演奏得似乎毫不费力。
  8. preference
  分析:preference n. 偏爱,优先,优先权
  The girl showed a great preference for classical music. 这个女孩偏爱于古典音乐。
  I have a preference for English novel. 我偏爱于英语小说。
  A teacher shouldnt show preference for anyone of his pupils. 一个老师不应该偏爱于任何一个学生。
  拓展:in preference to=rather than 而不是
  My sister chose to stay at home watching TV in preference to seeing a film. 我姐姐愿意在家看电视而不愿去看电影。
  Part Two 词组专讲
  9. for short
  分析:短语for short的意思是“简称,缩略”。
  His real name was Thomas, but he was called Tom for short. 他的真正名字是Thomas,但他被简称为Tom。
  People usually call the United States of America “the USA” for short. 人们通常简称the United States of America为the USA。
  拓展:be short for是……的缩写形式
  The usual word “pub” is short for “public house”. 常用词pub是 public house的缩写形式。
  As is known to all, “Vic” is short for “victor”. 众所周知,“Vic”是 “victor”的缩写形式。
  10. be home to
  分析:短语 be home to的意思是“为……的所在地”。
  Zhongguancun is home to the Chinese Academy of Science. 中关村是中国科学院所在地。
  拓展:be home to还有“为……的栖息地,生长地”的意思。相当于the home of.
  China is the home of panda. 中国是熊猫的生长地。
  11. cater to
  分析:短语cater to的意思是“迎合,满足”。
  This magazine caters to the teen boys and girls. 这本杂志迎合青少年男女。
  The radio and television have to cater to many different types of interest and taste among the public. 电台和电视要迎合大众的多种不同的兴趣和品位。
  拓展:cater for意思是“为(聚会、宴会)提供饮食
  The restaurant managed to cater for a banquet of 300 people. 这家饭店办成了300人的宴席。
  12. be bound to
  分析:短语be bound to的意思是“必定,必然”。
  When you are dealing with so many patients, mistakes are bound to happen. 当你处理这么多病人的时候,出错一定会发生。
  Mary felt bound to tell her teacher the truth. 玛丽感到一定要告诉老师事实。
  拓展:be bound for 要往……去的,开往……去的
  The train is bound for Guangzhou. 这列火车是开往广州的。
  13. put aside
  分析:短语put aside 的意思是“将……抛在一旁,抛弃”。
  She put her work aside, and we had a talk. 她放下工作,我们谈了谈。   You had better put aside all that had happened. 你最好要抛开所有发生的一切。
  拓展:put aside, put away, set aside 都有“储蓄,存钱“的意思。
  His parents have put aside a good sum of money for his college. 他的父母已经存了一大笔钱供他上大学。
  14. be equipped with
  分析:短语be equipped with的所以是“配备有;装备”。相当于be armed with.
  This group of soldiers are equipped with modern weapons. 这群士兵配备有现代化武器。
  Each classroom is equipped with an airconditioner. 每个教室都配备有一台空调。
  拓展:equip vt 装备,配备
  They equipped a ship for voyage. 他们装配一艘船以便出航。
  We each equip ourselves with a computer. 我们每个人都配备一台电脑。
  15. be worthy of
  分析:短语be worthy of的意思是“值得……,应受……”。
  This kind of new managing method is worthy of being advocated. 这种新的管理方法值得提倡。
  be worthy of 后接名词,或用be worthy of being done, be worthy to be done.
  The old building is worthy of being repaired.
  =The old building is worthy to be repaired.
  =The old building is worth repairing. 此古建筑值得修。
  拓展:worth 作形容词时, 意思是“值得… … 的, 值… …” 常用作表语或后置定语。
  (1) 表示值多少钱,价值为……如:
  This VCD is worth 1000 yuan. 这台VCD值1000元。
  I bought a dictionary worth 10 yuan yesterday. 昨天我买了一本价值10元的词典。
  (2) 表示价值与… …相当(相符), 顶得上。如:
  This new bike is worth its price/ cost. 这辆新自行车值这个价。
  (3) 表示值得。后面常接名词或动名词形式。 如:
  This exhibition of the pictures isnt worth a visit. 这个图片展不值得参观。
  16. second only to
  分析: second only to 的意思是“仅次于”,如:
  Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and has always been famous for its fantastic natural scenery.
  Their city has an area of 30,000 square kilometres, second only to the third largest city in China. 他们城市的面积是30000平方公里,仅次于中国第三大城市。
  拓展:second to 次于; second to none 最佳的,不亚于任何人的。
  1. For sustainable development, the government has decided to give________to those energyconserving and environmentfriendly business in many aspects. 
  A. profitB. interest
  C. preferenceD. advantage 
  2. People from all walks of life in our province are working hard for a new Jiangsu, which is________in natural resources. 
  A. wide
  B. abundant
  C. large
  D. enough 
  3. —It is our duty to________our motherland. 
  —Yes, there is no doubt in it. 
  A. defeat
  B. fight
  C. defend
  D. struggle 
  4. I am afraid you should________ your old and prejudiced ideas and have an objective view of the young man.
  A. put off
  B. put aside   C. put out
  D. put up 
  5. All of our classrooms________multimedia, which indeed makes both teaching and study more efficiently.
  A. provided
  B. are equipped with
  C. supplied with
  D. offered with 
  6. In my opinion, our team________succeed so long as we work hard. 
  A. is about to
  B. is eager to
  C. be bound to
  D. be near to 
  7. —Is your brother so busy these days?
  —He is________in writing a scientific report.
  A. occupied
  B. included
  C. brought
  D. worked
  8.________ in the east of China, Shanghai is one of the largest coast cities in the world. 
  A. Possessed
  B. Located
  C. Sent
  D. Owned 
  9. His real name was Stevenson. But people would call him Steve________. 
  A. short for
  B. for short
  C. as short
  D. short as
  10. These facilities________the old people who like to work out in the park.
  A. take to
  B. attend to
  C. prefer to
  D. cater to
  11. As is known to all, White House is________home to________government of the United States of America. 
  A. the; the
  B. a; the
  C. /; the
  D. /; / 
  12. Though he didnt succeed in the competition, I think his efforts are still________being praised. 
  A. worth
  B. worth of
  C. worthy
  D. worthy of 
  13. I wonder whether you are________with your current job. 
  A. disappointedB. ambiguous
  C. contentD. personal 
  14. All of us appreciated his________of time and money to the project. 
  A. devotionB. disappointment
  C. warningD. components 
  15. It will cost too much money to advertise on TV, but I think local newspapers are________cheap. 
  A. widelyB. relatively
  C. seeminglyD. happily 
  5—1 CBCBB 01—6 CABBD
一、 语言文字运用(15分)  1. 下列加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是(3分)()  A. 暴戾/一暴十寒鲜见/鲜为人知  挨饿/挨家挨户  B. 诘责/诘屈聱牙积攒/攒三聚五  提供/供认不讳  C. 生肖/惟妙惟肖冠冕/年方弱冠  丧钟/丧魂落魄  D. 蹊跷/独辟蹊径铜臭/乳臭未干  曲牌/曲尽其妙  2. 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分)()  A.
【题目呈现】  女孩左边的脸颊上有一道长约五公分的伤疤,公司一男同事觉得实在可惜,于是找机会对她说:“现在的整形手术很先进,你可以去把那道疤去掉。”几天后,男同事见到她,又急急地问:“问过整形医师了吗?快去把脸上那道疤去掉吧,真的不好看!”  又过了几天,男子碰到女孩,正要提起那道疤,不料女孩却望着他,露出诧异的表情说:“天啊!发生什么事了?你的脸上怎么有一道疤?”  男子大惊,冲进厕所照镜子
【题目呈现】  阅读下面的文字,根据要求写一篇文章。  (1) 埃及谚语:能登上金字塔的生物只有两种:鹰和蜗牛。  (2) 哲学家维特根斯坦说:我贴在地面步行,不在云端跳舞。  品味上面的两句话,选择一个角度构思作文。自主确定立意,确定文体,确定标题;不要脱离所给文字含义;不少于800字。        【文题解析】    材料作文首先要弄清材料的含意。所给材料是谚语和名言,这类材料具
高三年级是中学阶段做关键的一年,是全力以赴向高考冲刺的一年。下文就如何在高三年级学习好英语,提出一些建议,供同学们参考。  1. 了解高三年级的学习内容  进入高三,首先应该了解整个高三这一年要做哪些事。  有很多学科已经完成了所有新授课的内容,并即将或已经开始了第一轮的复习,但英语学科还有很长时间的新授课教学任务。高二结束时我们学完了第八模块,高三还要学第九、十和十一模块的内容。新授课学完之后
一、 语序不当  例1 下列句子中没有语病的一项是( )  A. 每个企事业单位都应该完善和建立各项规章制度,并严格照章执行。  B. 看着他们出拳、踢腿的动作,谁能相信他们竟是年逾古稀,甚至年过花甲的老人呢?  C. 我看见在门边站着的穿花连衣裙的姑娘捂着嘴悄悄地笑。  D. 这届人代会对如何有效地行使人大代表监督权的问题,交换了广泛的意见。  解析 A句中,两个动词“完善”与“建
一、 语言文字运用(15分)  1. 下列词语中加点的字注音与字形全都正确的一项是(3分)()  A. 僭越(jin)媲美(bì) 掾属(yun)  浅尝辄止(zhé)察颜观色  B. 蹊跷(qio)缧绁(xiè)聒噪(guā)  胼手胝足(pin)运筹帷幄  C. 谛听(dì) 庇佑(pì)寒暄(xuān)  力能扛鼎(kng)金壁辉煌   D. 翌日(y
1. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是( )  A. 全运会的发展历程清晰地告诉我们,每一届全运会不仅给举办城市乃至全国都留下了丰富而宝贵的精神财富,而且是一种“友谊第一,比赛第二”的体育交流和友好交往。  B. “霸王条款”能横行霸道,部分原因是有些商家存心不良、推脱责任,但更重要的原因在于消费者难以稳固地占领自己的权利“地盘”,对任何侵犯之举给予有力回击。  C. 遥感技术是最有效的进行大
【推荐人语】  倾听,是一种境界。我们听惯了清晨的鸟鸣、午后的蝉噪、夜半的蛙声,也听惯了机器的轰隆、小贩的吆喝、闹市的喧嚣,却无暇顾及自己的呼吸,听不到自己的声音,不能不是遗憾。其实,关注内心,换一种心态倾听自己恰恰是提升人生境界的必由之路。倾听自己,换一种心态去品味灵魂的花开花落、云卷云舒,正视孤独、直面苦难、感悟成败,然后选择自然、简单、微笑的方式去生活,生命必将精彩无限……  独 语 
最近我读了两本热门的书,一本是《史蒂夫乔布斯传》,另一本是孟非的《随遇而安》,书里有两个故事让我很有感触。  故事一:乔布斯刚上小学的时候,学习很不好,经常玩恶作剧来打发无聊的时间。有一次,他在老师瑟曼夫人的椅子下面点燃了炸药,把她吓得都抽搐了。学校把他列入了“坏学生”的名单。三年级时,他遇到了女教师伊莫金,按照乔布斯的话说,她是“我生命中的圣人之一”。在观察了乔布斯几个星期后,伊莫金觉得这
高考对圆锥曲线的考查主要是检查学生对相关概念、性质的深刻理解,以及对所学知识灵活运用程度。所以理解概念性质、总结题型、掌握通性通法、积累解题技巧是学好圆锥曲线内容的重要手段。  一、 理解概念、熟悉性质、强化解题能力  “要想高楼盖得稳,打好地基很重要”,要想题目做得得心应手,先要从基础做起,具体说应做到以下几点:  (一) 牢固掌握概念。概念是解题的原生力量,概念在解题中的作用不容忽视。许