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我刊1987年开辟“中国作家谈外国文学”栏,请我国关心外国文学的作家、翻译家、评论家、编辑家等谈谈有关外国文学的一些问题。我们希望集思广益,深入研究和讨论大家关心的问题,进一步做好外国文学的研究和介绍工作,为发展我国的文学创作和社会主义精神文明作出贡献。为便于讨论,我们提出若干个参考题: 一、请您向我刊读者推荐一两部(篇)最值得阅读的外国文学作品。如果可以的话,请再说明一下值得阅读的原因。二、就您所读过的我国报刊上发表的外国文学作品,哪类有借鉴价值,哪类对读者有不良影响? 三、您认为外国文学理论译介方面,有什么贡献?存在着什么问题? 四、您认为我国文学创作在当前世界文学之林中,处于何等地位? 五、您对外国文学作品的译文有何看法? 六、有关外国文学问题,您还有些什么看法与意见? 我们衷心地欢迎来稿以答本刊问的形式,回答上述各题或其中若干题,也可跳出上述范围,就自己感兴趣的方面畅所欲言。本期刊出冯至、萧乾、李陀,邓刚的四篇笔谈,以飨读者。 In 1987, I opened the column “Chinese writers talk about foreign literature” and asked our country concerned with foreign literature writers, translators, critics, editors and so on some of the issues related to foreign literature. We hope that we can brainstorm our wisdom, study and discuss in depth the issues of concern to all, further improve the research and introduction of foreign literature and make contributions to the development of literary creation and socialist spiritual civilization in our country. In order to facilitate the discussion, we put forward a number of reference questions: First, please recommend one or two (articles) to my readers the most worth reading foreign literary works. If you can, please explain why it is worth reading. Second, what kind of reference value do you have for foreign literary works published in China’s newspapers and periodicals that you read, and what kind of negative influences on readers? 3. What are your contributions to translation and interpretation of foreign literary theories? What are the problems? What position do you think the literary creation in our country belongs to the current world literature? 5. What do you think of the translation of foreign literary works? 6. What are your views and opinions on foreign literature? You are welcome to answer questions in the form of questioning, answering questions above or a few of them, you can also jump out of the above range and speak their minds about areas of interest. This issue of Feng Zhi, Xiao Qian, Li Tuo, Deng Gang’s four writing to readers.
献给 1843年任美国“合众国号”战舰主桅长的英国人杰克·恰斯不知道这位热心人是否尚在人间或已归天国一在发明汽船之前,较今天更为经常的是,若有人在任何像样的港口码头上
在试验室条件下 ,对浮渣进行了沸腾炉与多膛炉焙烧除氯、湿法水洗与碱洗除氯以及离子交换除氯的研究 ,并对试验结果作了应用分析。 Under laboratory conditions, the scum
据黎巴嫩《阿拉伯周刊》1986年5月19日报道,记者亚历山大·达依尔采访了埃及著名评论家阿里·拉伊教授,请他谈谈对埃及文学评论的意见: 阿里·拉伊认为,埃及文学评论界存在着